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Ball Drop to raise funds for charities Oct. 21-22
Ball drop pic
The Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department helicopter will be dropping golf balls in October for charity fundraising efforts.

The Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Department helicopter will be dropping golf balls from a height for a charity event at the Stanislaus County Sheriff’s Office, 250 E. Hackett Road, Ceres on Sunday, Oct. 22.

The helicopter will arrive at approximately 11:30 a.m. and will lift off to drop the balls at 12 noon. After a brief program and departure of the helicopter, winners will be announced.

A similar event will take place on Saturday, Oct. 21 at the Stanislaus County Fairgrounds, 900 N. Broadway Avenue in Turlock.

Proceeds from the event will benefit the Adult & Teen Challenge, Modesto and Turlock Gospel Missions, the Stanislaus County Police Activities League, the Salvation Army of Turlock and Modesto.

The ball drop is actually a contest to win $1,000 or a variety of gift cards. Participants must purchase an unlimited number of balls for $25 each which will be numbered to identity the purchaser. Those buying balls can stipulate which charity will receive the funds.

All the golf balls are then loaded into a helicopter and dropped from high above a target. The 16 balls that are closest to the target will win a prize. Available are 10 $100 gift cards, five $500 gift cards and one $1,000 gift card.

Attendance is not required to win. Purchases are tax deductible.

The public is welcome to attend the Ball Drop event beginning at 11 a.m. and meet the Stanislaus Air Support Team and get an up-close look at the helicopter. Children will enjoy free stickers and adults will be able to speak with the pilot and take photos.

Local food vendors will be on hand to sell lunch, coffee, drinks and hot chocolate.

One of the charities benefiting from the Ball Drop fundraiser is Adult & Teen Challenge, a nonprofit organization that provides an intense 12- to 16-month residential program with Bible-based instruction in a structured and caring environment for men age 18 and older dealing with life-controlling problems. The program is located on a 37-acre working ranch in Ceres and a six-month re-entry center for men in Turlock.

Balls may be purchased at the two events or in advance by contacting the following charities:

• Adult & Teen Challenge, (209) 448-5001 or email

• Modesto Gospel Mission, (209) 225-2912 or email

• Modesto Salvation Army, (562) 393-2037, or email

• Police Activities League PAL, (209) 656-1033 or email

• Turlock Gospel Mission, (209) 656-1033, or email

• Turlock Salvation Army, (209) 667-6091 or email