Left-wing lunacy continued into July with liberals expressing their disdain for America on Independence Day. NPR News, Washington Post, New York Times and other liberal outlets celebrated Independence Day by showing their hatred of America, portraying the Declaration of Independence as racist, the Statue of Liberty as a “meaningless” symbol of “hypocrisy and unfilled promises” and the American flag as a symbol of “divisiveness.” Even Marvel Comics made Captain America say the American dream “is a lie” with Democrat Cori Bush slamming America claiming “Black people still aren’t free.” This is the same Democrat who wants to defund the police while dishing out $70,000 for her own private security.
Georgetown University students celebrated the Fourth of July by slamming America stating they would give up their American citizenship while unable to state another country better than America.
Cuban people marched in the streets chanting, “Queremos libertad!” (“We want freedom!”) while waving American flags. Liberal media ignored the protests as protesters are shot, journalists were arrested by the Cuban dictatorship with CNN literally saying the Cuban protests are likely due to “Climate Change.” The Biden administration shamefully says they want the vaccine. Bloodied Cubans slam Biden: “Cubans don’t want vaccines, they want freedom.” Democrats resist condemning the Cuban regime since they agree with socialist-communist policies.
Cubans who fled to America through shark infested waters are turned back. Must be because the Cuban people would vote Republican, knowing how government control really works.
Maskless Texas Democrats leave the state on their private jet to avoid a vote on Voter ID, contracting COVID. So what was the main reason for the walkout? They didn’t voters who vote by mail to write down one of three government issued ID numbers – driver’s license, state ID, or the last four of the Social Security number – inside a privacy flap on this ballot return envelope. In the meantime, they infected a vaccinated Pelosi aide who tested positive for COVID after contact with the Texas Democrats.
The same Democrats who say Biden received more votes than anyone else in history are the same Democrats demanding to shut down the election audits in Arizona. What are they afraid of?
Biden’s DOJ drops investigation of all Democrat governors, including Cuomo’s cover-up, whose actions during COVID killed tens of thousands of seniors in nursing homes.
Biden and the Democrats then pushed the idea of going door to door to see your papers if you got the vaccine. Sounds like Nazi Germany stuff.
Doctors discover those 16-24 have abnormally enlarged hearts after taking the vaccine.
AstraZeneca finds small clot risks after the first shot of the vaccine with those who have died from the vaccine itself being underreported.
A study by starpolitical.com revealed the COVID lockdowns led to five times more suicides among children than died from the virus itself.
The liberal media reports an increase in COVID particularly in Texas and Florida but fail to report the increase in COVID is due to thousands of illegal immigrants being bused throughout the country with most residing in Texas and Florida. A whistleblower from the Fort Bliss migrant shelter in Texas said they were told to downplay the COVID outbreak and infections from illegal immigrants from the Biden Administration. Thirty percent of illegal immigrants have also refused the COVID vaccine.
So there is a cover-up that illegal immigrants are spreading COVID throughout the United States caused by inaction by the Biden Administration while ignored by the liberal media in order to blame Republican governors with Biden now exclaiming that everyone needs to mask, regardless if you had the vaccine or not. Now, if someone had the vaccine, why would they need to mask?
Now we know the lockdowns didn’t work, the vaccines were unsafe and barely work, and some COVID tests didn’t work while the looney Democrat policies of no border control have spread COVID throughout America.
The Biden Administration DOJ announces mandatory vaccinations are legal. We shall see. At the same time, the Biden Administration is releasing thousands of illegal immigrants with no mandatory vaccine and spreading COVID. Texas, which one area has seen a spike of 900 percent in COVID, has been sued by the Biden Administration for an executive order by Governor Abbott banning the Biden Administration from busing and releasing illegal immigrants with COVID into Texas.
Six people with COVID on a cruise ship, four were vaccinated and two weren’t.
Twitter’s Jack Dorsey defends banning President Trump while allowing Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran to tweet about death to America and Israel.
Biden spokeswoman Jen Psaki admits the Biden administration directs “Big Tech” to censor people. She further stated if you are banned on one social media platform you should be banned on all the others claiming tech companies are private companies and they can do what they want. Hmm, shouldn’t private companies be allowed to refuse to bake a cake? The Biden administration should not be working with Facebook to remove posts they feel are “problematic.”
Twitter marked a tweet “potentially sensitive” from Army Captain Sam Brown, a Republican Senate candidate, because his face was severely burned from an IED explosion during his 2008 deployment to Afghanistan.
Newly discovered tweets from Antifa show the Capital riots were planned and organized by Antifa organizer John Sullivan, while wearing a Trump hat with the chat discord stating, “They (Cops) let us all inside.” “That was the mantra of the entire coup.”
Custom and Border Protection report arrests of criminal illegal immigrants including convictions for sex trafficking, rape, drugs, and homicide up in 2021.
Border agents arrest illegal alien with convictions for child molestation and attempted murder. Then ICE agents were told not to arrest, deport illegal immigrant sex offenders.
Governor Newsom, who is facing a recall, is allowing transgender women (really men) to be transported into women prison. Then he decides to close the prison in Susanville which happens to be an area of conservative voters.
Frank Aquila is president of the San Joaquin/Stanislaus Conservative Patriots.
and author of the book, “Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere.” He can be emailed at mantecarepublicans@yahoo.comThe Secretary of State then tries to remove Larry Elder, who is a black Republican from being a potential replacement for governor. Seems like Democrats continue to be racist toward black Republicans.
Chicago’s mayor defends only speaking to non-white reporters, and would “do it again.”
The Cleveland Indians, who honored the first Native American baseball player, have become a victim of Cancelled Culture as they were forced to change their name to the Guardians.
The New York Jets may become the next victim to change their name as Climate Change Democrats are demanding the name change.
America’s largest teachers union deems race-based Critical Race Theory (CRT) “reasonable and appropriate” for kids.
Fairfax County, VA PTA leader suggests those parents who oppose CRT, “Let them die.”
Activist teachers from the state of Washington brag about injecting race, “Equality” lessons in elementary classrooms.
Teacher from Minnesota told students to hide “Equality Survey” from parents.
New York Times defends teaching first-graders “pornography literacy” with lewd images as well as “masturbation” lessons for first graders.
Black Lives Matter activist accused of molesting 62 kids returns to school board.
In London, they have Rainbow Monkey Dildo Story Hour as a performer dressed as a monkey with a dildo between the legs during the children’s event. What parent brings their children there? Only libs.
San Francisco Gay Men’s Choir sing, “we’re coming for your children” singing “We’ll convert your children. Happens bit by bit. Quietly and subtly. And you will barely notice it.” No doubt these men are part of NAMBLA, the North-American Man-Boy Love Association.
Illinois Democrats pass a bill requiring feminine hygiene products in bathrooms for grades 4 through 12.
“The First Amendment is first for a reason. (The) Second Amendment is just in case the first one doesn’t work out.” - Comedian Dave Chappelle
If you didn’t know about any of these stories, chances are you watch “Fake News” and that is just some of the Left-wing lunacy for July 2021.
Frank Aquila is president of the San Joaquin/Stanislaus Conservative Patriots and author of the book, “Sarah Palin Out of Nowhere.” He can be emailed at mantecarepublicans@yahoo.com