Editor, Ceres Courier,
I don’t usually respond to your articles, which are generally interesting, but this week I feel compelled to do so. There is a lot of good information in the article but three of them I feel strongly about.
1). Relative to the Congressional District 10 election in which Josh Harder was the winner you are 100 percent spot on. I believe Harder’s true intentions for the Valley will soon shine through as he lines up behind a string of liberals who seem to be out of touch with reality in the short and long term needs of valley residents.
2). I read with extreme interest the comments from Lee Brandt relative to the decline of the appearance of the entire city. At one time Ceres had a theme which was “Ceres Pride”, one only needs to look at our city to know that little motto no longer exists. Some time ago I spoke to a council member on that same issue however I saw no improvement. Pride in the City must be a top down endeavor, if that does not happen we will get what we got. I’m a firm believer that if the current leadership of the city cannot fix the “little issues” then maybe it’s time for a complete overhaul.
3). I had the privilege of meeting with Chance Condit on several occasions long before the election and he expressed great interest in running for the seat which would become vacant. I was very pleased to know that Chance was going to take this opportunity to bring his vision to the City of Ceres. Finally, a breath of fresh air will come to the council with fresh ideas and updated thinking which could be a motivating factor and release the energy of the current members. Given this opportunity I know Chance will become a major factor in the future of the city of Ceres.
Just a few thoughts.
Louie Arrollo,
Former Mayor of Ceres
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