A 21-year-old rider of an off-road vehicle was arrested and booked Saturday morning after he appeared to be evading police officers.
At 10:56 a.m., Officer Jesse Gutierrez was on patrol when he observed a black and red quad ridden by a Hispanic male, southbound on Central Ave at a high rate of speed. The quad passed the patrol car and the rider was not wearing the required safety helmet. Gutierrez immediately activated his red and blue lights to initiate a traffic enforcement stop on the Enrique Melendrez-Medina, 21, of Modesto. The rider looked back at the patrol car, then turned back to face forward and accelerated as he made a left turn onto westbound Chablis Way. Gutierrez activated his siren and advised dispatch that he was in pursuit. The rider gained speed and failed to yield as he made a northbound turn onto Columbard Way. As Officer Gutierrez attempted to catch up to the quad, he lost sight of it as it rounded the corner onto Columbard Way. Officer Ron Collins radioed that he had the subject stopped at Columbard and Burgundy.
Gutierrez arrived and placed Enrique under arrest. Melendrez-Medina denied trying to run from police and said that he pulled over. Several witnesses confirmed that the rider was evading police while nearly striking other vehicles during his erratic driving.
Enrique was booked into Stanislaus County Jail for evading police, and not having a motorcycle license.
Man charged with evading police