A Ceres patrol officer was punched and bit in the face on Friday, May 28, as he tried to subdue an out-of-control male who threatened his mother in the 3500 block of Havenwood Way.
Police received a 911 call at 5 p.m. from the mother of Cesar Tovar, 35, of Ceres in fear that he was going to hurt her. Officer Michael Vierra arrived and while awaiting back up, Tovar approached him in an aggressive manner. Vierra drew aimed his gun at Tovar, who then urged Vierra to kill him. Tovar reportedly advanced toward Vierra again, which prompted Vierra to put away the gun and draw his expandable baton with which he used to repeatedly strike Tovar. The suspect then punched Officer Vierra in the face, as the physical struggle went to the ground. Tovar allegedly attempted to grab the officer's gun and bit Vierra in the face.
Meanwhile the officer's portable radio became inoperable so Tovar's mother called 911 again to report that Vierra needed of back-up. Vierra pinned her son to the ground as he awaited assistance to arrive.
Tovar was booked for assault on a peace officer, and resisting or delaying an officer.
Other notable crimes of the week were:
• LAUNDROMAT DOOR CUT IN HALF: CERES - Police investigated a commercial burglary committed by a person determined to get into the Laundry Day Laundromat over the weekend.
The back metal door to the business at 1650 E. Hatch Road was cut in halves and pried open at approximately 2:10 a.m. on Saturday, June 1. The alarm went off and it's unknown if the suspect got anything. Police suspect that the intruder was looking for change and have no suspect information.
• DENTAL OFFICE BROKEN INTO: CERES - Police found no evidence that would lead them to the person who broke into Access Dental, 1440 E. Hatch Road, on early Sunday morning and stole narcotics from a medicine cabinet.
At 12:10 a.m. an alarm went off after a suspect pried open the double doors and made their way to the cabinet and quickly exited.
The commercial burglary remains under investigation.
• WELDING SHOP BURGLARIZED: CERES - Police took a report of commercial burglary on Sunday at Skip Company Welding, 3012 Dale Court. Somebody had forced entry into the business at approximately 4:40 a.m. and took an expensive plasma cutter.
• DUI SUSPECT LEADS POLICE ON CHASE: CERES - A transient man was arrested Saturday after he led police on a pursuit while he was allegedly under the influence of alcohol.
Joe Deluna, 32, was driving a 1996 Honda Acura northbound on Herndon Avenue at 5:20 p.m. when Street Crimes Unit officers Brian Albonetti and Carlos Quiroz attempted to pull him over for a traffic violation. Deluna accelerated onto Nadine Avenue where he eventually braked and bailed on foot in front of 1308 Nadine Ave. Albonetti gave chase after Deluna. Eventually it was Officer Dirk Nieuwenhuis who tackled Deluna to the ground where he was handcuffed and arrested for DUI and delaying or obstructing an officer. Deluna had a blood alcohol content of .10, said Ceres Police Lt. Brent Smith.