The Ceres 4-H Club has announced results of youth participants' entries into the Stanislaus County Fair.
Results are as follows.
Cavy (small rodents) group included Michaela Rantz, who placed first in Advanced Cavy Showmanship and fourth place in Small Animal Master Showmanship; and Adam Rantz, second place Intermediate Cavy Showmanship.
Members of the Ceres 4-H poultry group were: Michaela Rantz who picked up Reserved Grand Champion Chicken Meat Pen.
Rabbit group members were: James Gilbertson in the Thrianta rabbit breed, who placed Buck fourth place for Fur and fifth place for Breed; and Doe first place for Fur and second place for Breed; Kylie Miller, Thrianta, Buck fourth place for Breed; Makayla Lawrence, Supreme Grand Champion Rabbit Meat Pen; and Emily Hill, first place for wool and Best Opposite Sex for Jersey Wooly breed and third place for Rabbit Meat Pen.
Goat group entrants were: Carlee Thomson, second place in market class and ninth place Advanced showmanship; Jared Muirhead, ninth place in Market Clad and eighth place Intermediate Showmanship; Ty Thomson, sixth place Market Clad and fourth place Intermediate Showmanship; Grace Willming, seventh place in Market Class and fifth place Advanced Showmanship; Shelby Smith, fifth place in Market Class and sixth place Advanced Showmanship; Austin Roberts, fourth place Market; Thomas Pulido, fifth place Market; Gavin Haas, 10th place Market Class; and Brandon Belerique, 11th place in Market Class.
In the swine group, Alicia Castaneda placed eighth in Market Class.