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Council members assigned committees
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The reorganization of the Ceres City Council - including the addition of a new councilmember - has meant a shuffling of committee assignments.

Mayor Chris Vierra serves on the Stanislaus County Alliance, the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District and the County-City Selection Committee. He also serves on the Executive Committee of the Central Valley Division of the League of California Cities. The mayor also represents Ceres on the Surface Water Joint Powers Authority Board.

Vice Mayor Bret Durossette serves on the Traffic Safety Committee, the Ceres Youth Commission and the Volunteer Firefighter Length-of-Service Qualification Review Committee.

Mike Kline serves on the Economic Development Committee and the StanCOG Policy Board (with Linda Ryno as an alternate).

Linda Ryno serves on the Ceres Partnership for Healthy Children committee and the Tuolumne River Regional Park Committee.

Ken Lane serves on the Stanislaus Elder Abuse Prevention Alliance (SEAPA), the Ceres Christmas Festival Committee, and the Daniel Whitmore House Preservation Committee.

Tag team assignments include Lane and Durossette on the City-Schools Committee; Mike Kline and Durossette on the Concerts in the Park Committee; and Vierra and Lane on both the Local Emergency Planning Commission and the East Stanislaus Integrated Regional Water Management Program.
All members of the council serve on the Ceres Redevelopment Agency Successor Agency, which is a group that oversees the "wind-down" of the CRA. They also sit as the Former Stanislaus-Ceres Redevelopment Commission Successor Agency.