"Ceres - Together We Achieve" has long been the motto of the city of Ceres. But an action taken by the Kiwanis Club of Ceres exemplified that community cooperation during the Ceres Street Faire.
Both the Kiwanis Club and the Ceres Lions Club were at the Street Faire, cooking food to sell both days of the faire. Diane Putney, the secretary-treasurer of the Kiwanis Club reached for a large Ziplock baggie containing four and a half pounds aluminum can pull tabs. She then headed to the Lions booth to hand the bag over to the Lions.
"For every 10 pounds of aluminum tabs, it pays for parents to spend one night at the Ronald McDonald House," said Putney. "This is about charity helping charity. How's that about the kids first?"
A Merced redeemer pays double for the aluminum to help the charity, said Rocky Fisher of the Ceres Lions Club.
The Lions club members and friends are collecting all pull or pop tabs from soda cans and forwarding them to the Lions district which holds an annual competition searching for the club which can come up with the most pull tabs.
Ronald McDonald Houses are built near hospitals to provide a "Home-away-from-Home" for families of children with serious illnesses being treated at the hospital. The nominal cost to families staying at the Ronald McDonald house is $5 per night for those able to afford it. - The actual cost to house the family is over $45 per night. The money raised from recycling pull tabs helps defray these costs.
Pull tabs are cleaner and easier than collecting the entire can, and it does not compete with other recycling programs. The can may still be recycled with out the pull tab.