Stanislaus County is looking to establish an ad hoc Citizen’s Advisory Redistricting Commission to make recommendations on how to draw new lines for the five supervisorial districts.
The commission will assist the county in ensuring that each district is equal in population so that neighborhoods and communities are properly grouped together for purposes of electing a supervisor.
To qualify a citizen must by a registered voter in the county and not be an elected official or family member, staff member, or paid campaign staff of an elected official of Stanislaus County. The deadline to apply is March 12.
For more information review the County’s Redistricting website at
New districts are generally drawn after every federal census which takes place every 10 years. Census numbers are used to determine how many seats each state will have in Congress and in redistricting of state legislatures, county boards of supervisors, and city councils.
The County is expected to receive final census data no later than July 31.
Pursuant to Elections Code, the board shall adjust the boundaries of any or all of the supervisorial districts so that they remain fairly equal in population size. The new boundaries of the supervisorial districts will be adopted by the Board this summer.