You will be most successful if you pursue a career that you are able to do.
Some jobs do not mentally or physically suit our abilities. Some people find work to do but are only able to maintain their vocational effort until they are 50 or 55 years old. This is fine as many people are able to financially retire in their fifties. Jobs that require strenuous physical labor become less productive for many as they age.
Often, throughout life we find ourselves working jobs that are available and that pay enough for us to make our living. If we can physically and mentally adapt to the vocational demands then we have a chance of doing very well.
More success will come your way if you enjoy your work. Typically, the physical and mental aspects of your work endeavors aren’t as difficult because of your attitude toward your labor. What would be difficult for someone else is easier for you because you enjoy the work.
A surgeon spends many years in college, medical school and sometimes more than one residency. Many people are not cut out to spend this much of their lives in school. A couple of weeks ago, a good friend of mine, who is 72 years old, performed six surgical procedures in one day. He totally thrives on his work and retirement is not in his vocabulary. Five days a week he is seeing patients and performing surgeries. He totally loves his work. To him, it’s easy, and is mentally and emotionally stimulating.
Sometimes we have jobs we can’t wait to quit. Sometimes there are jobs we simply never want to quit.
Financial security will hinge on two key factors. Do jobs you can do and enjoy. If you can do the work and you do a good job, you will be able to continue as long as you are mentally and physically capable. If you enjoy the work, then you are going to try to keep going as long as possible.
When you enjoy something, eventually you’ll make money from it because you are stimulated to keep working and improving.
A married couple has worked for a local restaurant for over 10 years. They make a respectable living and both are always a delight in taking care of their patrons. A dear friend mowed yards for over 20 years and was always an inspiration to the many who hired him. Another friend spends eight hours a day solving people’s computer issues. He never lacks for work. Another spends his days measuring people for clothes and sells the best special ordered suits in town. Another makes a good living laying tile while another friend plays fiddle on the weekends but then makes her real living giving fiddle lessons all week.
There are all kinds of jobs. All require learning, developing and mastering a skill. Follow your heart, learn the work, pace yourself and you’ll thrive emotionally and financially.
Dr. Glenn Mollette is an author and his column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states.