There'll be healing after the recall
Editor, Ceres Courier,
Hughson faces a recall election on Aug. 24 because three of its city councilmen have refused to follow the recommendation of the Stanislaus County Civil Grand Jury and resign from office. The Grand Jury concluded that they broke several laws, that their conduct was unacceptable and their continued presence did not serve the best interests of Hughson. Seven months have passed and they haven't budged from office.
They've made some expensive mistakes and their presence continues to fuel chaos and bad feelings. It is notable that they tried unsuccessfully to appoint a personal friend as the new city manager by calling an emergency City Council meeting, ostensibly to avoid transparency and to minimize public scrutiny. That plan was not successful, but Hughson incurred significant legal costs as a result. And yet these councilmen continue to use their voting bloc to establish control in important city matters.
It is somewhat ironic that these three are so eager to chose the next city manager because their very presence has likely limited the pool of applicants. Would it not be in Hughson's best interests to delay important personnel decisions until after the special election?
I think it's time for the citizens of Hughson to restore integrity and dignity in local government by supporting the recall election on Aug. 24. It's time for Councilmen Crowder, Humphreys and Manley to exit so that ethics, honesty and respect can return to Hughson. Only then can our healing begin.
Peter Sugia,
* * * * * *
Support of fundraiser appreciated
Editor, Ceres Courier,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Ceres community for their generous support on behalf of the family of Ben Tapia, our recently deceased Commander of the Ceres Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10293.
The Memorial Fundraiser Breakfast conducted on July 24 brought in over $3,000 to assist the Tapia family in mitigating Ben's funeral expenses. While this event was hosted by the Ceres VFW Ladies Auxiliary, only the generous support of the local community could have made this event the resounding success that it was. Beyond our VFW family, a lot of people made this happen. The American Legion, Ceres Police and Firefighters, the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, the many donations from local businesses and community leaders, and everyone who came out in support of the Tapia family-without all these, we could not have hoped to be so successful in our efforts.
Ben spent many years in service to his country, his fellow Veterans, and the citizens of our fine city. And he would have been proud.
Jack Dempsey,
Post Commander
Ceres VFW Post 10293
Kathy Cotner,
Ceres VFW Ladies Auxiliary
* * * * * *
Aquila's letter is true; Obama is a communist
Editor, Ceres Courier,
Frank Aquila's letter on July 14 on "President Obama filled with Communist influence" made me read my heart and mind. Not many letters do that and I congratulate him.
Mr. Obama is filled with Communism because he is a Communist. We have more Communist and Socialist individuals in our school systems, our churches and every facet of our daily lives. If you stand for democracy and what it stands for, your character will be assassinated. We, as a country, failed at socialism in the 1800s up until the present day. Case in point the native American Indian. We prostituted their women, beat their kids to speak English and incarcerated them on the most worthless piece of ground known as reservations. They also have the highest suicide and alcoholism rate of any other people.
I commend the Ceres Courier for having courage to print an article of this class, something the Modesto Bee lacks. By your voicing the truth, your character will be, unfortunately, assassinated by word or mouth and in print. Keep writing the truth!
Bobby Joe Terry,
* * * * * *
Recall alive and well
Editor, Ceres Courier,
The recall movement is alive and well in Hughson.
After successfully obtaining the necessary signatures to be able to place the recall on a ballot, I can say that we are on our way in our campaign efforts to put some ethics and order back into our City Council.
I am so proud of the six candidates who have stepped forward to replace the three that the Civil Grand Jury found in violation of political ethics laws. These six (two each running for the three positions) are candidates who have no ties to each other and are of strong ethical character.
The three councilmen could have stepped down like they were asked and save the city the cost of a special election but they chose not to have lost the trust and confidence of the majority of people in Hughson.
Whether elected or appointed, city officials are there to serve the needs of the public, and not vice versa. The people of Hughson have had enough. The outcome is now in the hands of the voters.
Vote yes on the recall.
Dianne David,
* * * * * *
Letters to the editor will be considered for publication but must be signed with the author's name, address and telephone number. Letters should contain 250 words or less and be void of libelous statements. Letters may be sent to The Ceres Courier, P.O. Box 7, Ceres, CA 95307, or emailed to
Editor, Ceres Courier,
Hughson faces a recall election on Aug. 24 because three of its city councilmen have refused to follow the recommendation of the Stanislaus County Civil Grand Jury and resign from office. The Grand Jury concluded that they broke several laws, that their conduct was unacceptable and their continued presence did not serve the best interests of Hughson. Seven months have passed and they haven't budged from office.
They've made some expensive mistakes and their presence continues to fuel chaos and bad feelings. It is notable that they tried unsuccessfully to appoint a personal friend as the new city manager by calling an emergency City Council meeting, ostensibly to avoid transparency and to minimize public scrutiny. That plan was not successful, but Hughson incurred significant legal costs as a result. And yet these councilmen continue to use their voting bloc to establish control in important city matters.
It is somewhat ironic that these three are so eager to chose the next city manager because their very presence has likely limited the pool of applicants. Would it not be in Hughson's best interests to delay important personnel decisions until after the special election?
I think it's time for the citizens of Hughson to restore integrity and dignity in local government by supporting the recall election on Aug. 24. It's time for Councilmen Crowder, Humphreys and Manley to exit so that ethics, honesty and respect can return to Hughson. Only then can our healing begin.
Peter Sugia,
* * * * * *
Support of fundraiser appreciated
Editor, Ceres Courier,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the entire Ceres community for their generous support on behalf of the family of Ben Tapia, our recently deceased Commander of the Ceres Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 10293.
The Memorial Fundraiser Breakfast conducted on July 24 brought in over $3,000 to assist the Tapia family in mitigating Ben's funeral expenses. While this event was hosted by the Ceres VFW Ladies Auxiliary, only the generous support of the local community could have made this event the resounding success that it was. Beyond our VFW family, a lot of people made this happen. The American Legion, Ceres Police and Firefighters, the US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, the many donations from local businesses and community leaders, and everyone who came out in support of the Tapia family-without all these, we could not have hoped to be so successful in our efforts.
Ben spent many years in service to his country, his fellow Veterans, and the citizens of our fine city. And he would have been proud.
Jack Dempsey,
Post Commander
Ceres VFW Post 10293
Kathy Cotner,
Ceres VFW Ladies Auxiliary
* * * * * *
Aquila's letter is true; Obama is a communist
Editor, Ceres Courier,
Frank Aquila's letter on July 14 on "President Obama filled with Communist influence" made me read my heart and mind. Not many letters do that and I congratulate him.
Mr. Obama is filled with Communism because he is a Communist. We have more Communist and Socialist individuals in our school systems, our churches and every facet of our daily lives. If you stand for democracy and what it stands for, your character will be assassinated. We, as a country, failed at socialism in the 1800s up until the present day. Case in point the native American Indian. We prostituted their women, beat their kids to speak English and incarcerated them on the most worthless piece of ground known as reservations. They also have the highest suicide and alcoholism rate of any other people.
I commend the Ceres Courier for having courage to print an article of this class, something the Modesto Bee lacks. By your voicing the truth, your character will be, unfortunately, assassinated by word or mouth and in print. Keep writing the truth!
Bobby Joe Terry,
* * * * * *
Recall alive and well
Editor, Ceres Courier,
The recall movement is alive and well in Hughson.
After successfully obtaining the necessary signatures to be able to place the recall on a ballot, I can say that we are on our way in our campaign efforts to put some ethics and order back into our City Council.
I am so proud of the six candidates who have stepped forward to replace the three that the Civil Grand Jury found in violation of political ethics laws. These six (two each running for the three positions) are candidates who have no ties to each other and are of strong ethical character.
The three councilmen could have stepped down like they were asked and save the city the cost of a special election but they chose not to have lost the trust and confidence of the majority of people in Hughson.
Whether elected or appointed, city officials are there to serve the needs of the public, and not vice versa. The people of Hughson have had enough. The outcome is now in the hands of the voters.
Vote yes on the recall.
Dianne David,
* * * * * *
Letters to the editor will be considered for publication but must be signed with the author's name, address and telephone number. Letters should contain 250 words or less and be void of libelous statements. Letters may be sent to The Ceres Courier, P.O. Box 7, Ceres, CA 95307, or emailed to