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Letters to the Editor published Nov. 24, 2010
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Questions to ask before you're flu immunized

Editor, Ceres Courier,

Americans are in a position to learn from the mistakes and misfortune of others and avert death and injury to our children.

This summer in Australia, on baby girl died and over 250 other children were hospitalized with convulsions and high fever following seasonal flu vaccinations.

Then Finland suspended H1N1 vaccines dues to six reports of narcolepsy in teens and children following vaccination. The Helsinki Times reported that "Medical reports suggest that over 750 of those who have been vaccinated have experienced harmful effects."

A Swedish investigation found post-vaccination narcolepsy appeared in their children as well.

India's Bharat Chronicle reported, "The vaccines appear to be causing a pattern of neurological disorders affecting children and teens across the planet."

A public outcry occurred after it was revealed that Australian officials were apparently aware of the problems for weeks and withheld the information while encouraging parents, infants, children and teens to receive the H1N1 vaccination. Even the Australian coroner had to admit he couldn't rule out that the flu shot caused the death of 2-year-old Brisbane toddler Ashley Jade Epapara.

It was then explained away as a bad batch of vaccine, until events surfaced around the world. In the U.S., the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) announced in August that "Afluria (the version of fluxax approved by the FDA for use in North America) should not be used in children aged 6 months to 8 years."

Before having your child or yourself vaccinated, ask yourself these 8 questions:

• Am I or my child sick right now?

• Have I or my child had a bad reaction to a vaccination before?

• Is there a family history of vaccine reactions, neurological disorders, severe allergies or immune system problems?

• Do I know the disease and vaccine risks?

• Do I have full information about side effects?

• Do I know how to report a vaccine reaction?

• Do I know the manufacturer and lot number of the vaccine?

• Do I know that I have the right to make an informed choice?

Dave Dubyak

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