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Letters to the Editor published Oct. 15, 2008
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Ceres schools need Measure U

Editor, Ceres Courier,

You may live for today but do you plan for tomorrow? Measure U will help secure the future through the education of today's children.

As a senior at Ceres High, a student who is unable to vote, I want to take this opportunity inform you from my standpoint how important it is for our local schools to receive this bond money. This support will be used to upgrade our current schools and also build another junior high. By doing so, this will improve the educational experiences by lowering the student-to-teacher ratio in our current junior high schools and give the students in our other schools a better educational experience for the encouragement to want to stay in school.

So in conclusion, be our voice in this and help give your support to the Yes on U campaign for safer Ceres schools.

Sarah Yost,


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Firefighters union supports U

Editor, Ceres Courier,

I am pleased to announce that the Ceres Firefighters Association has given its endorsement to Measure U in a continuing effort to improve Ceres' schools.

As advocates for all opportunities to enhance public safety in our community, we feel as though this measure is another step in the right direction. The ability to improve the vocational and technical education departments at the high schools as well as the building of a new junior high school are two of the many components we carefully weighed when approached on this matter. These improvements will continue to offer opportunities to our youth to better educate themselves and help them to be more successful in the workforce. The new junior high school would drastically reduce the current populations of the existing junior high schools with the goal of improving student relations and better preparing these students for their high school experience.

With the overwhelming passage of Measure H in 2007, our community gave public safety the necessary support to continue to better serve the residents. We feel as though it's our obligation to do what we can to continue this positive relationship with our support of Measure U.

Captain Eric Holly,

Ceres Professional Firefighters Local 3636,


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Measure U keeps kids away from gangs, drugs

Editor, Ceres Courier,

In 2007 I proudly supported Yes on H to fight gangs and drugs in the cty of Ceres. Measure H helped our police officers. Now this November we have Measure U. Measure U keeps kids away from gangs and drugs, stopping crimes before they start.

Measure U increases after-school space for tutoring, mentoring, and recreational programs, providing youth with safe places to go after-school and activities to keep kids off the streets, out of trouble and away from gangs and drugs.

We owe it to our kids to give them a safe future. Yes on U does this.

Kim Chapman,


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Equality is for everybody, not just the heterosexual

Editor, Ceres Courier,

Equality is for everyone. It is difficult for me to comprehend why anyone would actively advocate eliminating the rights of thousands of other Californians. What type of person does that to another person? The supporter of Prop 8 would have you believe that this legislation will not change anything for committed same-sex couples. That is incorrect. Many committed couples and their families will be hurt by Proposition 8.

Changing the California Constitution to eliminate rights of citizens is not right.

Separate is inherently unequal. If domestic partnerships offer the same access to legal rights, why call it something else? Why make it separate? Again, what type of person would go out of their way to cause this type of harm to the human spirit? Why try to minimize another relationship in order to maintain the validity of your own?

I have been in a committed relationship for three years. I finally have the privilege to marrying the person that I love. Saying, ?I do,? was the most amazing experience in my life. I would not want to take that away from anyone, would you?

Equality is for everyone. If you agree, please register to vote and vote NO on Prop 8.

Martina Virrey,
