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Letters to the Editor published Sept. 16, 2009
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Berryhill made untrue claims against Cardoza

Editor, Ceres Courier,

I wanted to take a brief moment to point out several factual inaccuracies made by Mr. Mike Berrryhill that were published in your recent story "Berryhill taking on Cardoza." The inaccuracies, and the facts, follow:

1. Mr. Berryhill stated that Congressman Cardoza supports the National Marine Fisheries biological opinions.

In fact, Congressman Cardoza has been one of the most outspoken opponents of the biological opinions. Included with this letter you will find his statement from June 4 on the most recent opinion. In part, it states: "We cannot solve the challenges of the Delta ecosystem by continuing to curtail pumping. This biological opinion is significantly skewed because it only examines the pumps as a single factor in the issues surrounding the Delta ecosystem. ... To continue to curtail pumping prevents a true solution."

Additionally, attached to this letter are several announcements Congressman Cardoza has made on funding for water projects to help the Valley's agriculture community during these especially difficult times.

2. Mr. Berryhill stated that "Cardoza has voted for massive bailouts and tax hikes."

In fact, Congressman Cardoza voted the first infusion of "TARP" funds to banks after Congress was warned by the Bush Administration of the pending unraveling of the global economy - leading to a situation similar to the 1930s Depression - and a promise that the funds would be used for mortgage relief. When that promise was not kept, Congressman Cardoza voted against the second infusion of TARP funds and he also voted against the auto industry bailout.

Congressman Cardoza and his fellow fiscally conservative Blue Dogs also worked to cut $10 billion from President Obama's budget. He and the Blue Dogs also were able cut $50 billion in unnecessary spending from the Economic Recovery bill, eliminating funding for family planning, new sod on the National Mall, a tax break for Hollywood and funding for smoking cessation activities and more.

More importantly, to the contrary, Congressman Cardoza has a long track record of supporting tax cuts for middle-income families, small businesses, and farms. In fact this year alone he supported a budget that provided for $1.7 trillion in tax cuts for middle-income families and small businesses to help spur job growth.

3. Mr. Berryhill stated that Congressman Cardoza appears to be "an arrogant career politician who wants to vote for a government takeover of healthcare."

In fact, Congressman Cardoza has stated multiple times that he does not support the current health care reform bill as it has been proposed and believes it needs much more work before he would support it. His position on health care reform has appeared in columns in the Modesto Bee, the Merced Sun-Star and on our web site.

4. Mr. Berryhill is "critical of Cardoza for not holding town hall meetings like most other congressmen."

In fact, Congressman Cardoza had conducted two telephone town halls prior to the August recess, discussing multiple issues - including health care reform - with more than 9,000 of his constituents. During the August recess, Congressman Cardoza met with more than 2,300 of his constituents at 30 meetings and events.

Mike Jensen,

Friends of Dennis Cardoza,


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