Editor, Ceres Courier,
I want to thank the Ceres City Council for appointing me to the Ceres Planning Commission in 2015. I’ve been honored to serve as a member for five years and serve as chairman last year. The current members Laurie Smith, Gary Del Nero, Bob Kachel, and Dave Johnson are truly committed to Ceres and I enjoyed working with all of them. Mr. Bret Silveira will be a great addition to the Commission and I congratulate him on his appointment.
During my five years on the Planning Commission, I advocated for the preservation of prime farmland, the prioritization of infill development, and the need for quality housing in Ceres. These issues along with many others will continue to face our leaders on the City Council and Planning Commission. We have many challenges but many more opportunities to improve the quality of life for our residents. I look forward to continue the work to make Ceres a better place to live.
Couper S. Condit,
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