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Harder committed to farmers

Editor, Ceres Courier,

I taught elementary school in Ceres for 36 years and have the greatest respect for the hard-working folks who grow our nation’s food. We need a representative in Congress who listens and works for practical solutions to the challenges our agricultural sector faces. 

Josh Harder has worked tirelessly to create and pass legislation addressing the problems and concerns of our district. He serves on the House Agricultural Committee and leads bipartisan efforts to help farmers with water issues, trade, pest eradication, funding, protecting county fairs, and incentivizing careers in farming. His office helps farmers cut through USDA red tape. Josh Harder recently led a bipartisan coalition to secure more dairy exports to Japan and currently leads a bipartisan effort asking the USDA to purchase more walnuts during the pandemic.

Josh Harder has proven his commitment to Central Valley and American agriculture.

Linda Scheller ,


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