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How can anyone vote for former President Trump?

Editor, Ceres Courier,

As a moderate Democrat who votes across the aisle based on the content and ability of the character running for office – Duarte being an example – I ask why would anyone vote Trump?

Trump’s favorite indicator on the health of the economy was the stock market. According to Bloomberg, the S&P500  index was at 3,798.91 when Trump left office. Today, the index sits at 5,454.40, well above what Trump was able to achieve.

I also don’t understand how inflation is blamed on Biden. Inflation was a result of COVID and the restrictions imposed on travel, thereby making the movement of goods more expensive causing price increases to trickle to everything else. If anything, Biden’s policies were able to reign in a runaway economy because Jeromy Powell is on track to bring down interest rates in September to the lowest levels seen in several years.

I also don’t understand how the immigration crisis is blamed on Harris, when Trump’s entire platform during his first election campaign was “build the wall.” He was unable to achieve anything despite having majorities in the House and Senate! When he failed, Trump’s White House chief strategist decided to raise the money himself, only to defraud investors and later be charged with conspiracy to commit wire fraud and money laundering because he used hundreds of thousands of dollars for personal expenses, despite assurances the money would be used for the wall.

It’s beyond me how anyone outside of the top one percent believes that a man who has a vile affinity to opulence has the best interest of the little guy at the top of mind.

Alvaro Franco,


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