Editor, Ceres Courier,
I want to thank everyone that voted for me on Nov. 6. It has been important for me to work hard to earn each and every vote, despite being unopposed, to display a standard of representation Ceres citizens deserve. One of the most cherished things we have as Americans is our vote.
I am honored to represent District 1 on the Ceres City Council and look forward to working with my colleagues. I also want to thank Councilman Ken Lane for his service to the city and his support to me during this entire process.
Channce Condit,
Ceres City Council member
LETTERS POLICY: Letters to the editor will be considered for publication but must be signed and include an address and phone number. Letters should be 250 words or less and be void of libel. Send to The Ceres Courier, 138 S. Center Street, Turlock CA 95380 or emailed to jeffb@cerescourier.com.