Editor, Ceres Courier,
I’m so excited for Super Bowl LVIII: San Francisco 49ers and Kansas City Chiefs. It is always a big event on the social calendar, and dangerous on the roads.
In 2016, reports from Automobile Club of Southern California (Auto Club) noticed drunken driving crashes on Super Bowl Sunday were 75% higher than on comparable Sundays in January and February. Records from 2002 to 2011 show that 642 alcohol related crashes happened on Super Bowl Sunday. That was 276 more alcohol-related crashes over 10 years than there would have been on typical Sundays.
“Auto Club” noticed 28 more alcohol-related crashes happen on this date in California annually. This must change. Don’t let celebrating the game foul your life.
A drunken driver hit me in 1992 when 16, and I suffer daily. Drunken driving must stop.
Taking SR-99 to go to and from a party? Don’t drive drunk. Your responsible choice could save lives. If sober, give rides to those who aren’t. Please make sure your designated driver is sober, not just less intoxicated than you. Sober rides are always available: taxis, Uber, and etc.
One team wins, but everyone can with a sober driver. It takes all of us.
Lori Martin,
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