Editor, Ceres Courier,
The Ceres City Council is even more compelled to get tougher in the use of illegal fireworks within the city limits this year.
With increased fines and dedicated enforcement, the message could not be clearer. The public information has been spread around about what will be done to enforce this matter.
It is not just on the Fourth of July the loud bangs and floral fireworks array appears in the sky after dark. This has started two weeks before July 4, in the early late morning hours, like at 3 a.m. when most of us are wishing to be sound asleep. This very loud boom bang noise comes from all directions around different Ceres neighborhoods.
I encourage folks to give tips to the police. Fires have started it is said from such dangerous fireworks.
Of course we can and must support the non-profits that sell “safe and sane” fireworks. They are easy to buy, and the earned revenue helps the community.
Daniel Marsh,
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