Editor, Ceres Courier,
“Will you please hire my 18-year-old son? His resume reads ‘great test-taker’ as he has been mastering this skill over the last 12 years in school.”
I am a professional development trainer and work with some of the largest companies in the world and not a single one of them has had a job posting for “test taker.” So, when I see candidates running for SCOE superintendent urging voters to elect them because of their record as “having consistently the best test scores in our county,” I see the gap between education and industry growing even further apart.
Scott Kuykendall gets this. Businesses are looking for people who can effectively communicate, collaborate, and problem solve with a strong work ethic and developed leadership skills, people who have character and stick up for others. These are the exact traits I have seen Scott Kuykendall demonstrate time and again. This is why business leaders serving on the advisory board for VOLT respect Scott Kuykendall and are looking to his leadership as the next superintendent.
I trust Scott Kuykendall with my children’s education, as I know he is dedicated to their safety and to helping them develop the skills that will prepare them for a meaningful career. These are the reasons I am voting for Scott Kuykendall and urge you to do the same.
Gary Beaudette,
Beaudette Consulting
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