Editor, Ceres Courier,
Now more than ever, veterans need the support of their communities. From the close-knit groups of families and friends who can be there for them during difficult times, to the broader collection of elected officials and leaders who are policy creators and decision makers on Veterans issues.
With the recent situation in Afghanistan, many veterans have been forced to relive and confront difficult feelings. Coupled with stress from the on-going pandemic, this can cause an unfortunate impact on Veterans across the country.
This Veterans Day we encourage everyone to do what they can to assist the veterans in their families and their communities. Reach out to your loved ones or make new connections with those in your neighborhood. And if you can, we ask that you urge your elected officials to help veterans through supporting pro-veteran policies and laws.
Dawn “Dusty” Napier,
State Commander ,
Veterans of Foreign Wars Department of California
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