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Broyles' new novel imparts spiritual truths
Dave Broyles is a pastor by day, writer by night.

The associate pastor of Ceres Christian Church is also driven to expose heresies in the Christian faith and explain truths about spiritual warfare and darkness. His third novel, "Conspiracy of the Gods: The Dark Secret of the Inner Circle," helps to do that in entertaining form.

The book is now available from Publish America ( and most online bookstores. or by calling (301) 695-1707.

The publishing company said Broyles' latest novel "is sure to whet the literary appetite of any reader who loves a good mystery."

"Conspiracy of the Gods" centers on a fictional small ocean side town of Oceanview where the town's spunky investigative newspaper reporter, pretty Ashley Dawn Frazier, finds a body on the beach during her evening jog. The young man's body has been drained of its blood. Horrified, she calls the police only to find that the body has disappeared, leaving police to question her story. She quickly discovers that there have been other bodies found within the last two years with similar conditions. Having a nose for news, Frazier investigates and is thrown together with a local minister named Dave Bryant who pastors a small church on the waterfront. Together they discover the existence of a mysterious Satanic society known as The Inner Circle. Because of Bryant's involvement in attempting to expose the cult, his youngest daughter is kidnapped and will be killed until he yields to the will of the Circle.

The book's theme, he said, is about what twisting God's Word could "morally lead to." Broyles said his novel is "kind of a warning about New Age and even creeping into the evangelical church." Broyles said he feels compelled to speak out on concepts such as the "name it, claim it," "word of faith" and "what I confess I possess" teachings.

"A lot of people don't realize where that came from," said Broyles. "They think it's just a part of New Testament Christianity but it actually ... the grandfather of that was E.W. Kenyon who attended the Baltimore School of Oratory at Emerson College back in Buffalo, Maryland. It was a hot bed of new thought around the turn of the century. They said the same thing. 'I'm a child of God, I shouldn't be sick.' 'What I confess I possess.' Things like that. What he did was take that philosophy and sprinkled it in New Testament terms and pawned it off on the church."

Kenneth Hagen later picked up the same ideology, he said, and repeated it as his original thought.

Broyles said while there are many books published on Christian doctrine - which he loves - he questions if any bother reading their dry content.

"Sometimes I wonder if the average layman would pay more attention maybe if they read it in novel form for entertaining."

The Ceres pastor said he tinkered with the story line for a year and that it's very loosely based on things that occurred in his life. He started the book before his wife, Pam Broyles, battled cancer that took her life on Nov. 9, 2008 and losing their daughter Christyl a short time later in 2009. He shelved the project during the family tragedies.

"So much was going on then," he recalled.

He returned to finish his manuscript about the same time he courted and married Paula.

Broyles said all of the first-year proceeds from the book will go to the church he pastors, Ceres Christian Church, adding "I didn't do this for the money."

Broyles previously published two western novels, "Miracle at Tombstone" in 2000 and its 2002 sequel, "Death Rides a Paint Horse." They are available on or and most online bookstores.