The Ceres Dolphins had a dominant showing against Oakdale on Saturday, June 19 in Ceres.
The recreational youth swim club outscored the Gators, 1,183-683, during the MVSL dual meet.
17-18 boys
Tyler Padilla placed first in the 100 IM, 100 fly and 100 breast.
Billy Gonzalez placed first in the 50 free and 100 free, and third in the 100 breast.
Genaro Hernandez placed second in the 50 free, 100 free and 100 breast.
17-18 girls
Rebecca Wright placed first in the 100 IM, 50 back and 50 free.
15-16 boys
Stephen Jones placed first in the 50 free, 100 free and 100 breast.
Cody Fliflet placed first in the 100 IM and 50 back, and second in the 50 free.
Sammy Ochoa placed third in the 100 IM, 100 free and 50 free.
15-16 girls
Cassandra Guevara placed first in the 100 free, 50 free and 50 fly.
Montana Bull placed first in the 100 IM and 50 back, and second in the 50 fly.
Cierra Alvear placed first in the 50 breast, second in the 100 free and third in the 50 free.
Tori Gunzenhauser placed second in the 50 breast and 50 free, and third in the 100 free.
Maureen Nelson placed second in the 100 IM, and third in the 50 fly and 50 breast.
Megan Valenzuela placed fourth in the 100 IM and 50 breast.
Jenna Rhoy placed fifth in the 100 IM and 50 free.
13-14 boys
Zachary Jones placed first in the 100 free and 50 breast, and second in the 50 free.
Stefan Perry placed first in the 100 IM, second in the 50 back and third in the 50 free.
13-14 girls
Haley Fisicaro placed first in the 100 free, 50 free and 50 back.
Payton Mahu placed first in the 50 fly, and second in the 50 free and 100 free.
Cheyenne Brazil placed first in the 50 breast and second in the 100 IM.
Victoria Martinez placed second in the 50 breast, third in the 50 back and fourth in the 50 free.
Paige Hensley placed second in the 50 back and sixth in the 50 free.
Kaylee Mattice placed third in the 100 free, fourth in the 50 fly and fifth in the 50 free.
Jeanette Dunlap placed third in the 50 breast, fourth in the 100 IM and fifth in the 50 fly.
Jordan Pata placed fourth in the 50 back.
Haley Hoback placed fourth in the 50 breast and fifth in the 100 free.
Yvonne Downs placed fourth in the 100 free and sixth in the 50 back.
Justina Castillo placed fifth in the 50 back and 50 breast.
11-12 boys
Kimo Guevara placed first in the 50 free, third in the 50 breast, fourth in the 100 IM and fifth in the 100 free.
Jacob Pulsipher placed second in the 100 free and 50 fly, and third in the 50 free.
Joey Manrique placed fourth in the 50 back.
William Thomas placed fifth in the 50 back and sixth in the 50 breast.
Austin Stiles placed sixth in the 100 IM and 50 free.
11-12 girls
Ashley Miller placed first in the 50 breast, second in the 50 free and third in the 100 IM.
Natalie Zavala placed first in the 100 free, third in the 50 fly and fifth in the 50 free.
Kadie Brenning placed first in the 50 fly, third in the 50 breast and fifth in the 100 IM.
Taylor Starkweather placed second in the 100 free, fourth in the 50 free and fifth in the 50 back.
Julia Pata placed second in the 50 back and sixth in the 100 IM.
Vanessa Bennett placed fourth in the 50 back.
Eve Bratenas placed fifth in the 100 free and 50 breast.
9-10 boys
James Diaz placed first in the 100 free and 50 free, and third in the 50 breast.
Matthew Zizzo placed first in the 50 fly, second in the 100 IM and fourth in the 50 breast.
Daniel Hagens placed second in the 50 breast, fourth in the 100 free and fifth in the 50 free.
Spencer Nelson placed second in the 50 back and sixth in the 50 free.
Noah Rantz placed third in the 50 back.
Trent Flud placed fifth in the 50 back.
Angelo Najera placed fifth in the 100 free.
Cristofer de la Riva placed sixth in the 50 back.
Isac Garcia placed sixth in the 100 free.
9-10 girls
Amy Holliday placed first in the 100 free, 50 back and 50 breast.
Katrina Guevara placed first in the 50 free, and second in the 100 free and 50 fly.
Carlee Thomson placed first in the 50 fly, fourth in the 100 free and fifth in the 50 free.
Emily Zizzo placed first in the 100 IM, and third in the 50 breast and 50 free.
Portia Padilla placed second in the 50 free, third in the 100 free and fourth in the 50 breast.
Iliana Borges placed second in the 50 breast, fourth in the 100 IM and sixth in the 50 free.
Emma Bevan placed third in the 50 back.
Kiera Brownlee placed fourth in the 50 free, fifth in the 100 free and sixth in the 50 breast.
Ashlee Stiles placed fourth in the 50 back and sixth in the 100 IM.
Chloe Kline placed fifth in the 100 IM.
Samantha Boyden placed fifth in the 50 fly.
7-8 boys
Ty Thomson placed second in the 25 back, and third in the 25 free and 50 free.
Case Broumas placed third in the 25 back.
Noah Holloway placed fourth in the 25 back.
Mateo Ibarra placed fourth in the 50 free and fifth in the 25 free.
Dexter Kline placed fifth in the 25 back.
Mateo Ibarra placed sixth in the 25 back.
Damian Suarez placed sixth in the 25 free.
Donald Cook placed sixth in the 50 free.
7-8 girls
Jadyn Shinn placed first in the 50 free, 25 back and 25 breast.
Edelya Borges placed first in the 25 fly and 25 free, and second in the 25 back.
Makayla Estermann placed second in the 25 breast and sixth in the 25 back.
Alyssa Stiles placed third in the 50 free, 25 free and 25 back.
Camryn Silva placed third in the 25 fly.
Hannah Kelley placed fifth in the 25 fly, 25 back, 25 breast and 25 free.
Rhiannon Wynne placed sixth in the 25 fly and 25 free.
Sara Zizzo placed sixth in the 50 free.
6 & under boys
Jordan Shinn placed first in the 50 free, 25 free and 25 back.
Sebastian Alvarado placed third in the 25 back, and fifth in the 25 free and 50 free.
6 & under girls
Emma Silveria placed first in the 50 free, and second in the 25 back and 25 breast.
Victoria Silveria placed first in the 25 free, second in the 50 free and fourth in the 25 back.
Madison Bennett placed first in the 25 back, fourth in the 50 free and fifth in the 25 free.
Tori Kelley placed first in the 25 fly and fourth in the 25 free.
Brooke Starkweather placed third in the 25 free, fifth in the 50 free and sixth in the 25 back
Allison Stiles placed sixth in the 50 free and 25 free.
15-18 boys
The 200 medley relay team of Billy Gonzalez, Stephen Jones, Tyler Padilla and Cody Fliflet placed first.
The 200 medley relay team of Zachary Jones, Genaro Hernandez, Sammy Ochoa and Stefan Perry placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Hernandez, Ochoa, Perry and Zachary Jones placed first.
The 200 free relay team of Padilla, Gonzalez, Fliflet and Stephen Jones placed second.
15-18 girls
The 200 medley relay team of Montana Bull, Cierra Alvear, Cassandra Guevara and Tori Gunzenhauser placed first.
The 200 medley relay team of Maureen Nelson, Rebecca Wright, Megan Valenzuela and Jenna Rhoy placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Guevara, Alvear, Bull and Gunzenhauser placed first.
The 200 free relay team of Nelson, Rhoy, Wright and Justina Castillo placed third.
13-14 girls
The 200 medley relay team of Haley Fisicaro, Cheyenne Brazil, Payton Mahu and Kaylee Mattice placed first.
The 200 medley relay team of Paige Hensley, Jeannette Dunlap, Jordan Pata and Victoria Martinez placed second.
The 200 medley relay team of Justina Castillo, Maddie Bull, Haley Hoback and Yvonne Downs placed third.
The 200 free relay team of Fisicaro, Mahu, Martinez and Mattice placed first.
The 200 free relay team of Dunlap, Hensley, Hoback and Cheyenne Brazil placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Pata, Bull, Downs and Allison Holliday placed third.
11-12 boys
The 200 medley relay team of Joey Manrique, Austin Stiles, Jacob Pulsipher and Logan Kier placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Pulsipher, Manrique, Stiles and Kimo Guevara placed third.
11-12 girls
The 200 medley relay team of Kadie Brenning, Ashley Miller, Natalie Zavala and Taylor Starkweather placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Miller, Zavala, Brenning and Starkweather placed second.
9-10 boys
The 200 medley relay team of Spencer Nelson, Daniel Hagens, Matthew Zizzo and James Diaz placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Diaz, Hagens, Nelson and Zizzo placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Angelo Najera, Cody Raleigh, Isac Garcia and Noah Rantz placed third.
9-10 girls
The 200 medley relay team of Amy Holliday, Emily Zizzo, Katrina Guevara and Portia Padilla placed first.
The 200 medley relay team of Chloe Kline, Emily Holliday, Samantha Boyden and Kylie Miller placed third.
The 200 free relay team of Holliday, Zizzo, Padilla and Guevara placed first.
The 200 free relay team of Boyden, Iliana Borges, Carlee Thomson and Kiera Brownlee placed second.
7-8 boys
The 100 medley relay team of Ty Thomson, Mateo Ibarra, Dexter Kline and Case Broumas placed second.
The 100 free relay team of Thomson, Ibarra, Kline and Noah Holloway placed second.
The 100 free relay team of Damian Suarez, Matthew Raleigh, Aaron Ferreira and Connor Saavedra placed third.
7-8 girls
The 100 medley relay team of Jadyn Shinn, Makayla Estermann, Edelya Borges and Alyssa Stiles placed first.
The 100 medley relay team of Hannah Kelley, Hannah Thomas, Camryn Silva and Rhiannon Wynne placed third.
The 100 free relay team of Shinn, Borges, Wynne and Stiles placed first.
The 100 free team of Kelley, Estermann, Silva, and Sara Zizzo placed second.
The 100 free relay team of Mariah Trevino, Aryanna Jimenez, Sarah Starkweather and Lauren Machado placed third.
6 & under mixed
The 100 free relay team of Jordan Shinn, Madison Bennett, Victoria Silveria and Emma Silveria placed first.
The recreational youth swim club outscored the Gators, 1,183-683, during the MVSL dual meet.
17-18 boys
Tyler Padilla placed first in the 100 IM, 100 fly and 100 breast.
Billy Gonzalez placed first in the 50 free and 100 free, and third in the 100 breast.
Genaro Hernandez placed second in the 50 free, 100 free and 100 breast.
17-18 girls
Rebecca Wright placed first in the 100 IM, 50 back and 50 free.
15-16 boys
Stephen Jones placed first in the 50 free, 100 free and 100 breast.
Cody Fliflet placed first in the 100 IM and 50 back, and second in the 50 free.
Sammy Ochoa placed third in the 100 IM, 100 free and 50 free.
15-16 girls
Cassandra Guevara placed first in the 100 free, 50 free and 50 fly.
Montana Bull placed first in the 100 IM and 50 back, and second in the 50 fly.
Cierra Alvear placed first in the 50 breast, second in the 100 free and third in the 50 free.
Tori Gunzenhauser placed second in the 50 breast and 50 free, and third in the 100 free.
Maureen Nelson placed second in the 100 IM, and third in the 50 fly and 50 breast.
Megan Valenzuela placed fourth in the 100 IM and 50 breast.
Jenna Rhoy placed fifth in the 100 IM and 50 free.
13-14 boys
Zachary Jones placed first in the 100 free and 50 breast, and second in the 50 free.
Stefan Perry placed first in the 100 IM, second in the 50 back and third in the 50 free.
13-14 girls
Haley Fisicaro placed first in the 100 free, 50 free and 50 back.
Payton Mahu placed first in the 50 fly, and second in the 50 free and 100 free.
Cheyenne Brazil placed first in the 50 breast and second in the 100 IM.
Victoria Martinez placed second in the 50 breast, third in the 50 back and fourth in the 50 free.
Paige Hensley placed second in the 50 back and sixth in the 50 free.
Kaylee Mattice placed third in the 100 free, fourth in the 50 fly and fifth in the 50 free.
Jeanette Dunlap placed third in the 50 breast, fourth in the 100 IM and fifth in the 50 fly.
Jordan Pata placed fourth in the 50 back.
Haley Hoback placed fourth in the 50 breast and fifth in the 100 free.
Yvonne Downs placed fourth in the 100 free and sixth in the 50 back.
Justina Castillo placed fifth in the 50 back and 50 breast.
11-12 boys
Kimo Guevara placed first in the 50 free, third in the 50 breast, fourth in the 100 IM and fifth in the 100 free.
Jacob Pulsipher placed second in the 100 free and 50 fly, and third in the 50 free.
Joey Manrique placed fourth in the 50 back.
William Thomas placed fifth in the 50 back and sixth in the 50 breast.
Austin Stiles placed sixth in the 100 IM and 50 free.
11-12 girls
Ashley Miller placed first in the 50 breast, second in the 50 free and third in the 100 IM.
Natalie Zavala placed first in the 100 free, third in the 50 fly and fifth in the 50 free.
Kadie Brenning placed first in the 50 fly, third in the 50 breast and fifth in the 100 IM.
Taylor Starkweather placed second in the 100 free, fourth in the 50 free and fifth in the 50 back.
Julia Pata placed second in the 50 back and sixth in the 100 IM.
Vanessa Bennett placed fourth in the 50 back.
Eve Bratenas placed fifth in the 100 free and 50 breast.
9-10 boys
James Diaz placed first in the 100 free and 50 free, and third in the 50 breast.
Matthew Zizzo placed first in the 50 fly, second in the 100 IM and fourth in the 50 breast.
Daniel Hagens placed second in the 50 breast, fourth in the 100 free and fifth in the 50 free.
Spencer Nelson placed second in the 50 back and sixth in the 50 free.
Noah Rantz placed third in the 50 back.
Trent Flud placed fifth in the 50 back.
Angelo Najera placed fifth in the 100 free.
Cristofer de la Riva placed sixth in the 50 back.
Isac Garcia placed sixth in the 100 free.
9-10 girls
Amy Holliday placed first in the 100 free, 50 back and 50 breast.
Katrina Guevara placed first in the 50 free, and second in the 100 free and 50 fly.
Carlee Thomson placed first in the 50 fly, fourth in the 100 free and fifth in the 50 free.
Emily Zizzo placed first in the 100 IM, and third in the 50 breast and 50 free.
Portia Padilla placed second in the 50 free, third in the 100 free and fourth in the 50 breast.
Iliana Borges placed second in the 50 breast, fourth in the 100 IM and sixth in the 50 free.
Emma Bevan placed third in the 50 back.
Kiera Brownlee placed fourth in the 50 free, fifth in the 100 free and sixth in the 50 breast.
Ashlee Stiles placed fourth in the 50 back and sixth in the 100 IM.
Chloe Kline placed fifth in the 100 IM.
Samantha Boyden placed fifth in the 50 fly.
7-8 boys
Ty Thomson placed second in the 25 back, and third in the 25 free and 50 free.
Case Broumas placed third in the 25 back.
Noah Holloway placed fourth in the 25 back.
Mateo Ibarra placed fourth in the 50 free and fifth in the 25 free.
Dexter Kline placed fifth in the 25 back.
Mateo Ibarra placed sixth in the 25 back.
Damian Suarez placed sixth in the 25 free.
Donald Cook placed sixth in the 50 free.
7-8 girls
Jadyn Shinn placed first in the 50 free, 25 back and 25 breast.
Edelya Borges placed first in the 25 fly and 25 free, and second in the 25 back.
Makayla Estermann placed second in the 25 breast and sixth in the 25 back.
Alyssa Stiles placed third in the 50 free, 25 free and 25 back.
Camryn Silva placed third in the 25 fly.
Hannah Kelley placed fifth in the 25 fly, 25 back, 25 breast and 25 free.
Rhiannon Wynne placed sixth in the 25 fly and 25 free.
Sara Zizzo placed sixth in the 50 free.
6 & under boys
Jordan Shinn placed first in the 50 free, 25 free and 25 back.
Sebastian Alvarado placed third in the 25 back, and fifth in the 25 free and 50 free.
6 & under girls
Emma Silveria placed first in the 50 free, and second in the 25 back and 25 breast.
Victoria Silveria placed first in the 25 free, second in the 50 free and fourth in the 25 back.
Madison Bennett placed first in the 25 back, fourth in the 50 free and fifth in the 25 free.
Tori Kelley placed first in the 25 fly and fourth in the 25 free.
Brooke Starkweather placed third in the 25 free, fifth in the 50 free and sixth in the 25 back
Allison Stiles placed sixth in the 50 free and 25 free.
15-18 boys
The 200 medley relay team of Billy Gonzalez, Stephen Jones, Tyler Padilla and Cody Fliflet placed first.
The 200 medley relay team of Zachary Jones, Genaro Hernandez, Sammy Ochoa and Stefan Perry placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Hernandez, Ochoa, Perry and Zachary Jones placed first.
The 200 free relay team of Padilla, Gonzalez, Fliflet and Stephen Jones placed second.
15-18 girls
The 200 medley relay team of Montana Bull, Cierra Alvear, Cassandra Guevara and Tori Gunzenhauser placed first.
The 200 medley relay team of Maureen Nelson, Rebecca Wright, Megan Valenzuela and Jenna Rhoy placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Guevara, Alvear, Bull and Gunzenhauser placed first.
The 200 free relay team of Nelson, Rhoy, Wright and Justina Castillo placed third.
13-14 girls
The 200 medley relay team of Haley Fisicaro, Cheyenne Brazil, Payton Mahu and Kaylee Mattice placed first.
The 200 medley relay team of Paige Hensley, Jeannette Dunlap, Jordan Pata and Victoria Martinez placed second.
The 200 medley relay team of Justina Castillo, Maddie Bull, Haley Hoback and Yvonne Downs placed third.
The 200 free relay team of Fisicaro, Mahu, Martinez and Mattice placed first.
The 200 free relay team of Dunlap, Hensley, Hoback and Cheyenne Brazil placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Pata, Bull, Downs and Allison Holliday placed third.
11-12 boys
The 200 medley relay team of Joey Manrique, Austin Stiles, Jacob Pulsipher and Logan Kier placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Pulsipher, Manrique, Stiles and Kimo Guevara placed third.
11-12 girls
The 200 medley relay team of Kadie Brenning, Ashley Miller, Natalie Zavala and Taylor Starkweather placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Miller, Zavala, Brenning and Starkweather placed second.
9-10 boys
The 200 medley relay team of Spencer Nelson, Daniel Hagens, Matthew Zizzo and James Diaz placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Diaz, Hagens, Nelson and Zizzo placed second.
The 200 free relay team of Angelo Najera, Cody Raleigh, Isac Garcia and Noah Rantz placed third.
9-10 girls
The 200 medley relay team of Amy Holliday, Emily Zizzo, Katrina Guevara and Portia Padilla placed first.
The 200 medley relay team of Chloe Kline, Emily Holliday, Samantha Boyden and Kylie Miller placed third.
The 200 free relay team of Holliday, Zizzo, Padilla and Guevara placed first.
The 200 free relay team of Boyden, Iliana Borges, Carlee Thomson and Kiera Brownlee placed second.
7-8 boys
The 100 medley relay team of Ty Thomson, Mateo Ibarra, Dexter Kline and Case Broumas placed second.
The 100 free relay team of Thomson, Ibarra, Kline and Noah Holloway placed second.
The 100 free relay team of Damian Suarez, Matthew Raleigh, Aaron Ferreira and Connor Saavedra placed third.
7-8 girls
The 100 medley relay team of Jadyn Shinn, Makayla Estermann, Edelya Borges and Alyssa Stiles placed first.
The 100 medley relay team of Hannah Kelley, Hannah Thomas, Camryn Silva and Rhiannon Wynne placed third.
The 100 free relay team of Shinn, Borges, Wynne and Stiles placed first.
The 100 free team of Kelley, Estermann, Silva, and Sara Zizzo placed second.
The 100 free relay team of Mariah Trevino, Aryanna Jimenez, Sarah Starkweather and Lauren Machado placed third.
6 & under mixed
The 100 free relay team of Jordan Shinn, Madison Bennett, Victoria Silveria and Emma Silveria placed first.