A misdemeanor DUI charge awaits a 32-year-old Palo Alto driver who hit another car in the parking lot of Taco Bell at 1493 Herndon Road on Saturday evening.
The crash was reported at 10:26 p.m. because the drivers were in a verbal argument and one of them appeared to be drunk. Officer Mathew Myers found minor damage between a 1989 Mazda pickup and a 2002 Chevy pickup. Driver Juan Alberto Landa appeared to be under the influence of alcohol and said he had consumed only one beer three hours before driving and felt fine. After a field sobriety test Landa was arrested for suspicion of DUI. He provided an evidentiary breath sample with results of 0.18 percent blood alcohol content, which is more than double the legal limit. Landa was booked into the Stanislaus County Public Safety Center.