Isaias Rincon, 24, of Ceres, was arrested for DUI Friday morning after an officer saw him speeding and driving in other unsafe ways and determined that he was under the influence of marijuana.
At 6:27 a.m. Officer Brian Petersen was patrolling on westbound Whitmore Avenue when he saw a green Chevrolet S-10 traveling at a high rate of speed on the Highway 99 overpass. Rincon was the driver and he first stopped for a red light before becoming impatient and ran it.
Petersen caught up to the pickup and watched Rincon's erratic driving play out as well as spotted other vehicle code violations. He pulled over Rincon near Morgan Road and immediately smelled a strong odor of burnt marijuana from the interior. Rincon said he smoked marijuana the previous night and said he was not impaired. Officer Petersen, a certified drug recognition evaluator, suspected Rincon was impaired and gave him a field sobriety test which Rincon failed. He was arrested for driving under the influence.
Rincon admitted to smoking "three blunts a day," approximately a gram of marijuana per blunt / cigarette. He explained that he smokes inside his truck and even smokes while at work.
Rincon was booked into the County Men's Jail for DUI.
Unsafe driver high on pot, say police