State Senator Anthony Cannella, R-Ceres, announced that he will present new legislation to combat the practice commonly known as "revenge porn."
Earlier this year, Cannella's SB 255 was signed by Governor Brown, making the act a misdemeanor. The "Revenge Porn 2.0" act will expand the law to protect a greater number of Californians.
"I was proud to have authored this year's legislation criminalizing revenge porn," said Cannella. "I recognized that more could be done to protect a larger number of victims so I will present new legislation this upcoming session so the law will apply to anyone who distributes revenge porn regardless of who took the photo."
Cannella's legislation will modify the current law to include what is commonly known on the Internet as a "selfie," where people photograph themselves. The Cyber Civil Rights Foundation estimates that more than half of revenge porn cases involve selfies. The legislation will also simplify the law by removing the threshold to cause "serious emotional distress." "Revenge Porn 2.0" will make the law apply to anyone who distributes revenge porn knowing that the depicted person has not consented to such distribution.
"Senator Cannella took an important first step in the battle against revenge porn. I am excited to see that he is carrying through on his promise to expand the law," said Dr. Charlotte Laws, a nationally recognized victims' rights advocate whose family was affected by revenge porn. "California should remain a leader in bringing the end to this terrible act."