Warm weather and partly cloudly skies are expected to greet Ceres' biggest event of the year this weekend as the community celebrates the 30th anniversary of the Ceres Street Faire.
The Ceres Street Faire has long been adopted as a "rain or shine" venue but as of press deadline the weather forecast is calling for no rain and temperatures reaching into the mid-80s for both Saturday and Sunday.
The festivities kick off at 10 a.m. Saturday with a Ceres Street Faire parade themed the 100th anniversary of its incorporation and the Ceres Street Faire is celebrating its 30th year. It is fitting thus that the parade grand marshals will be those who were instrumental in organizing it 30 years ago. They are Street Faire founders Richard McBride, Don Goudeau, Paul Caruso, Cheryl Winter and Allan Graham.
"We really wanted this year's parade to be more of a hometown parade, more entries from those within our community since it is our Centennial," said Angie Smith, who is co-chairing the parade with Helen Condit. "I think it's going to be a fun parade. We look forward to it every year and we're just hoping that more of our community comes out for the parade and doesn't miss on something fun like that."
The parade starts at 10 a.m. from Moffet Road and Acorn Lane and run south to Whitmore Avenue, turn west and head toward downtown Ceres where the Street Faire is held. The judge's stand and VIP seating area will be on the north side of Whitmore at the entrance to the Richland Shopping Center.
Saturday is also the day for the Street Faire Car Show on Fourth Street between Magnolia and North streets. Entry into the car show costs $25 for pre-registration or $35 at the event. The show is open to all makes and models of vehicles and 10 show awards will be given.
Also starting at 10 a.m. Saturday the Faire will include arts and crafts booths, commercial booths, food booths operated by non-profit Ceres groups, live local entertainment and fun things for kids to do in the park.
Festivities end at 6 p.m. Saturday.
The fun continues on Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
The parade will feature many entries including 4-H groups, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Diamond Cheer Team, several baseball and softball teams including Ceres Youth Baseball, Ceres Seahawks, Ceres Cowboys and Ceres Junior Bulldogs. The Ceres post of the American Legion Color Guard will be leading off the parade.
The Highway 99 PT Cruiser Club will be rolling as well as the Central Valley Cruisers bicycle club. Smith said about 10 entries from the car show plan to be in the parade.
Footnotes Dance Studio of Ceres will perform at the parade.
Bryant Mordinoia, a five-year-old boy who was made Sacramento's honorary ninja through the Make-A-Wish Foundation is planning to appear in the parade. Bryant lives in Salida and suffers from a rare heart condition, which did not stop him from taking on villains in a make-believe fight of villains in Sacramento last October.