Debuting on Youtube last week, a new professional music video that makes a heart rendering plea against teen bullying features a Ceres teenager.
The video, titled, "Rachael Lynn -- Dare To Be Different," was shot in the Bay Area. "Kara" Anne Rubis, 14, an eighth-grader at Cesar Chavez Junior High School, was picked to be an extra but turned out to be a main character - one of the bullies of a junior high girl.
"I didn't think it would turn out that good," admitted Kara, "but I thought it was amazing."
Approximately 1,400 people had watched the video in its two days of internet infancy.
Performing the song, written Julie White and Jim Ashley, is aspiring 14-year-old Bay Area singer Rachael Lynn ( The video accompanies a message that reads: "This song was written by survivors of bullying. We suffered attacks daily at school & we survived. You can too. It feels like it will last forever and there's no way out, but there is. Please tell someone, don't stay quiet. It may not be ‘cool' to tell, but it's less ‘cool' to be a bully!
"Remember, the bullies have something broken inside them which makes them act out. The majority of bullies are or have been abused at home. Telling someone will also allow them get the help they need.
Bullying has to end, and it starts with us! You are worth it! We all are! Thank you for helping us take a stand against bullying and for daring to be different!"
"I love it," said Kara's mother, Kim Farber of Ceres. "I thought it was a great video."
Kara landed the brief acting role through an association her grandmother has with Rachael Lynn's agent, Laura Bendixsen, who had the video through Teddy Gyi of Tavoy Films International. Kara was involved in two separate days of shooting this spring at Ex'pressions College in Emeryville and in Chabot College in Hayward.
Kara appears in the video in a scene shot inside a school library where she and another female student are sending threatening e-mails to the girl sitting in front of them. She was also used in a key outdoor scene where the victim is being physically pushed to the ground. The girls are seen throwing punches toward the victim.
Although she plays the role of a bully, Rubis said she hopes "it really opens other people's eyes as to the consequences of how bullying can really hurt people." The object of bullying in school herself, Rubis said bullying "can lead to plenty of problems."
Kara said she enjoyed the experience and thought it was "very fun to do," especially working with people her age.
"She wanted to try acting and get her foot in the door," said Farber.
The video may be seen at or simply searching with the words Rachael Lynn Dare To Be Different. It may be purchased on iTunes, said Rubis.