The Ceres City Council is calling for applications from interested persons living in Council District 1 who want to be appointed to Channce Condit’s unexpired term.
Condit abandoned his four-year seat after he was elected on Nov. 3 to the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisor. The seat has less than two years before it expires so the council decided an appointment would be better than holding a special election at a cost of around $31,000 to $34,000.
It’s unknown how much interest will be in the appointment. When Condit ran in District 1 in 2018 he was unopposed. Previously Ken Lane occupied the seat.
The appointed councilmember would serve until the November 2022 election.
Applications will be due on Jan. 26 and may be obtained on the city’s website. All applicants will be interviewed during a Zoom special meeting set for 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 2. A new councilmember is expected to be chosen that night.
Applicants will be asked about residency, education and employment history as well as asked:
• What do you feel are your most important qualifications for appointment to the City Council?
• What do you hope to accomplish while a part of the council?
• What problems, issues or concerns do you see facing the city and how would you propose they be addressed?
Only those registered voters living in Ceres City Council District 1 are eligible to be considered for the appointment. The district is located in the northwest section of Ceres, largely west of Moffet Road and north of Evans Road as it jogs down to pick up a finger reaching down to Whitmore Avenue by following Caswell Avenue to Fifth Street. Interested residents should consult a map to be sure if they reside within District 1.