The city of Ceres offers residential customers leaf and limb disposal pick-up service from Oct. 1 until Jan. 9, on an every other week basis. Collection of leaf and limb debris occurs on the day after the residence’s scheduled recycling pick-up day.
This service is not provided for apartment complexes or businesses.
The green organics cart should be utilized for yard waste and pruning debris collection before placing the remaining material in the street for collection.
Residents should be advised that leaf and limb piles will not be collected unless all of the following criteria have been met:
Limbs must be cut in lengths of four feet or less and no larger than six inches in diameter.
Place loose leaves and limbs in piles at least one foot away from the curb in front of the residence.
Leaf and limb piles must not contain garbage, dirt, plastic bags, tree stumps, palm fronds or grass clippings.
Any piles placed for pick-up that violate the above restrictions are subject to illegal disposal enforcement action as outlined in the Ceres Municipal Code.
During the off-season, residents should utilize their green carts for yard waste/organics disposal.
All grass clippings must be placed in the green organics can, never in the gutter or street.
(The city of Ceres and the Ceres Courier have partnered to provide readers with current events and important information from the City of Ceres Public Works Department in this regular feature, City Connection.)