As we approach Christmas day let’s take a moment to salute the grand women of Christmas.
My wife knocks herself out preparing for events like Thanksgiving and Christmas. She started preparing the Thanksgiving meal two weeks in advance and for sure we had a feast. For some time now she has been in charge of locating the right Christmas gift for children and grandchildren and most anyone else. She also wraps the gifts and has the wheels turning for our Christmas meal. Let me stop everything here and interject that I have presented myself front and center many times for helping wrap gifts and even preparing the meal. However, my wrapping and cooking do not “meet up to muster” as we used to say in the country.
My mom worked hard cooking and wrapping and decorating the Christmas tree. The mother of my two sons loved Christmas and always knocked herself out cooking, shopping and wrapping. I remember my Grandmother Hinkle slaving over a stove and my hat is off to my two sisters and deceased mothers-in-law who did so much to make Christmas meaningful for family and friends. Trust me here; I don’t want to leave anyone out.
I am not slighting the men of Christmas. My dad, Joseph and Jesus all count big time. Many men cook, wrap gifts and shop. I’ve done all of that. For 12 years my now deceased first wife could do nothing because of multiple sclerosis. Whatever was done was on me. Looking back I know I was sorely lacking when it came to pulling it altogether. I simply had to do the best I could and my best wasn’t all that great really.
I wonder how many moms and women feel this way. I wonder how women cook their brains out and wrap to exhaustion, clean house and try to make Christmas wonderful and then feel like nobody gives a dang or appreciates what they have done? I bet plenty do. Don’t let this happen this year. Praise them! Thank the dear souls who knock themselves out to try to make Christmas happen – for you and your loved ones.
Mary, the mother of Jesus, went through a lot. When she became pregnant and still a virgin, who bought her story? Not many. Joseph did and he married her and took care of her and the new baby Jesus. However, starting out as a young mother with so many unknowns and the hardships that came with an unexpected pregnancy in that day were not easy. The Bible says, “But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.” For most of her life before and after the birth of Jesus, she carried a heavy load.
Keep the love, kindness and praise flowing this Christmas – especially for those dear women who often carry a heavy load. Often they are the ones who really make Christmas.
Glenn Mollette is the author of 12 books. His syndicated column is read in all 50 states. Contact him at Learn more at