Everybody has troubles. If you don’t believe it then ask any American living in the year 2020.
An old preacher friend of mine from Florida use to say “Glenn, on every level, there is a new devil.” This is true. The poor have troubles. The rich have troubles. The famous have troubles. People in obscurity have troubles. Today, 2020 in almost every inch of the United States and with every person of the United States we have universal troubles. You’ve heard the plea for universal health care? Welcome to universal troubles.
Every American in some way is impacted by COVID-19. You have had or have the disease. You know someone. You have heard of someone. Because of COVID-19 you may be unemployed. Your education is impacted. Your sports participation is wrecked at least for the Fall and probably winter. Students wonder every day if they will see the inside of a classroom in September or even longer.
Every college town in American is on the brink of financial disaster.
So far America’s Social Security and Government retirees financially have been okay due to the security of their checks. This pandemic does not have limitations or boundaries. Our nation continues to print off money that we do not have to keep afloat families, small businesses and state governments. I’m afraid the printer in the federal reserve is going to blow up about when it’s time to print off my cash for my social security check later next year.
From tourism, restaurants, small businesses or just having to wear a mask or social distance we’ve all to some extent experienced troubles in 2020. We can overcome many troubles in life. Some troubles are life changing. Dying or burying a loved one is forever.
I’ve had ups and downs and most of us have. They aren’t fun. The pandemic for many of us has been a lifestyle change. A new normal. An inconvenience. We have to do some things like wash our hands more, wear a mask and be a little distant from people. That’s not killing us. It’s when we take on the attitude, “I’m an American. I’m going to do what I want to do, when I want to do it and however, I feel like doing it,” then, that attitude becomes part of our national trouble.
COVID-19 is trouble enough. Americans are all in some way sharing in the troubles of this virus. Please, let’s all work together to be part of the solution and not add to our troubles.
Dr. Glenn Mollette is a graduate of numerous schools including Georgetown College, Southern and Lexington Seminaries in Kentucky. He is the author of 12 books including Uncommon Sense. His column is published weekly in over 600 publications in all 50 states.