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Sacramento forcing more mandates on businesses

Sacramento is great about forcing mandates on business without providing funding.

Now there is a new law which takes effect on July 1 that mandates about 2,400 bars and nightclubs holders to offer testing kits for common date-rape drugs, often referred to as “roofies.” 

The businesses will be required to post a sign that reads, “Don’t get roofied! Drink spiking drug test kits available here. Ask a staff member for details.”

The business must now acquire the kits to have on hand to sell or give away in case somebody in the club suspects that somebody is trying to drug them.

Drug testing devices could include test strips, stickers, straws or other devices that can detect the presence of controlled substances in drinks.

License holders who do not comply with the new law could face administrative actions impacting their licenses.

Isn’t it a sad state of affairs that such a law would even be required? Are men these days so desperate that they need to drug a woman for sex? What a self-centered and depraved existence!

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I didn’t know if what I was reading was legit but apparently it is. I received an email last week about a Finnish company that is selling a so-called gender neutral “Tampon for men.” Vuokkoset is releasing the product “to expand the menstrual discussion to include non-binary individuals.” Their press release states: “Some people who menstruate do not identify as women.” (Well, I suppose reality can be a hard thing to accept for the delusional). They go on, ”They can be men, non-binary, or intersex.”

Do I need to inform these whack-a-doodles that men do not menstruate?

The most hilarious statement came from DEI consultant Dakota Robin who claims: “Understanding of gender is continually evolving. Companies and organizations have no excuse to ignore scientific research on gender diversity. The world is changing, and businesses must change with it. This is another step in the right direction.”

No, this is NOT a step in the right direction. Basic biology tells us there are two genders – male and female, period. This business about gender “continually evolving” is absolute horse crap and is crafted in the pit of hell where the Father of Lies is confusing the foolish.

God, help our world. The deception is appallingly broad.

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I don’t consider myself to be a Bible thumper – I do read the Bible as the inspired Word of God – but anyone who discounts Scripture is doing themselves a grave disservice.

God holds fast and true to is truth and wisdom and He made it clear that the wisdom of man is foolishness compared to God’s knowledge. He also made it clear to us that those willing to negotiate truth – and in particular his mindset on things – will be turned over to depraved minds “and let them do things that should never be done.”

Human foolishness extends to those in authority. We have plenty of depraved minds in the state Legislature. Take also the Sacramento City Council, for example, which just voted unanimously last week to declare the California capital a “sanctuary city for transgender people.”

Let’s be clear, this vote was in support of confused children lopping off their genitalia or modifying it differently from birth.

Fortunately there are people willing to speak up for truth, one of them being Beth Bourne, a member of a Sacramento chapter of Moms for Liberty. She told KCRA: “This sanctuary city is saying that we will promote the idea that people can be born in the wrong body.”

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I’m sure by now you’ve heard that a second recall effort is underway to remove Gavin Newsom, perhaps one of the most inept governors in American history despite his slick professional demeanor.

I give this new recall effort zero chance of success given that California Democrats outnumber Republicans two to one and most would vote for Lucifer himself if he was running as a Democrat (and he would).

If anything, the recall will underscore Newsom’s failed leadership as he continues to blow smoke in our faces about having no desire to be president. Anyone who has watched this man’s brand of politics knows he can lie as skillfully as the next politician.

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I’ve been saying it for some time now and it’s nice to see confirmation in an article: the fast-food industry is headed for trouble because of government interference with the labor market. It only will get worse now that California’s minimum-wage for large eateries goes to $20 and pushes costs even higher.

Reuters last week reported: “Runaway prices at U.S. fast-food joints and restaurants have made people skittish down the income ladder and executives at chains including McDonald’s and Wendy’s recently said they worry about losing business from those on the tightest budgets.”

Food prices under Biden rose 20% from Jan. 2021 to Jan. 2024, the fastest jump on record. A recent census Household Pulse Survey showed half of people earning less than $35,000 a year had difficulty paying everyday expenses, and nearly 80 percent were moderately or “very” stressed by recent price increases.

Get that? Eighty percent who are VERY STRESSED!

Roughly a quarter of low-income consumers – defined as those making less than $50,000 a year – said they were eating less fast-food and about half said they were making fewer trips to fast-casual and full-service dining establishments, according to February pollingby Revenue Management Solutions, a consulting firm.

The high cost of labor is why I walked into a local Taco Bell a week ago and stood at the ordering counter only to be told to use the kiosk – which I don’t like doing since it’s making me the employee and stealing jobs from others.

Look for more lost jobs and more restaurants closing.

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Last week I watched video of a CHP officer being brazenly attacked by a suspect along I-5 in Santa Ana. The officer struggled to gain control and was pinned onto his back until three men jumped into action to help take the man down.

Those were good men. We need more like them.

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With the numbers of DUI arrests happening every week in Ceres you can bet there are many more who are getting away with it and endangering the lives of everyone in the process. In November a 21-year-old Hughson woman was killed at Hatch and Faith Home roads because of a drunk driver, Dylan Wilson, 31, of Empire. It’s going on far too often.

On Friday evening there was a vehicle rollover on the southbound Highway 99 off-ramp at Whitmore Avenue in downtown Ceres. Two vehicles were involved but the driver of the vehicle that rolled over fled the scene.

There are really only a few reasons why drivers flee the scene of an accident: 1). They were drunk (indeed likely that was the reason) and they didn’t want to face arrest; 2). They didn’t have a driver’s license or required auto insurance; 3). They had an arrest warrant; or 4). They are in the country illegally. In some cases, it’s all of the above.

No one was injured in the 6:30 p.m. crash but it’s scary how many dangerous people are out there driving so put the phones down and drive like your life depends on it – because it does!

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In case you didn’t know it, there is a war going on against landlords.

But first let’s talk about the squatters who are taking over houses, not just rental properties. Existing law favors the criminals who break into your house and claim to have a lease while police are not allowed to even ask to see the lease to verify the claim. Truth doesn’t matter, apparently to lawmakers.

It’s possible that you can return from vacation to find squatters living in your home and not be able to do anything about it until a long eviction process in the court system. This must change and last week Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis did something about it by signing HB 621.

Under HB 621, a Florida property owner can request police to immediately remove a squatter from their property if the individual:

• Has unlawfully entered and remains on the property;

• Has been directed to leave the property by the owner but has not done so; and

• Is not a current or former tenant in a legal dispute.

In Florida, it will be quick and simple to reclaim your home from squatters, avoiding costly delays, litigation and missed rents. Think the Democrat-controlled California state Legislature follow suit? Not on your life. 

Landlords as well as non-landlords must deal with this growing problem. And let’s face it, we have this problem because this country isn’t building enough housing. California is estimated to be 3 million housing units short for the population already here and more are pouring across the border each day, which is an insane situation made possible by Biden.

During the pandemic our governor made it possible for tenants to refrain from paying rent (because he shut down their jobs and income) and protected them against eviction. Thus the landlord – the one took the financial risk, who often borrowed for a down-payment, who is responsible for upkeep for the renter – who got screwed. You see, it’s because Democrats side with their constituents, the underclass, versus those evil “prosperous” landlords who tend to be Republican.

Now Californians will be voting on a ballot measure called the “Justice for Renters Act.” I’m not a landlord but I know what they go through and I think we need a “Justice for Landlords Act.”

The “Justice for Renters Act” website says “housing is a human right.” Actually it’s not a human right. You won’t find in the Declaration of Independence that we have a guarantee to a roof over our head. You don’t get a roof over your head without effort – yours or somebody else’s.

The group wants government to take control of motels and hotels and commercial structures to house the unhoused. Per their website: “Single-room occupancy hotels are a key tool to address the homelessness crisis. SROs can be renovated quickly and cost-effectively to urgently provide housing for low-income and unhoused residents. But L.A. elected officials have silently stood by while SROs are kept empty or are turned into luxury housing. Housing Is A Human Right demands that L.A. politicians utilize these buildings for low-income and homeless housing. Save Our SROs!”

Property owners have rights! You can’t force the owner of a property to convert units that will be torn up by homeless people. It’s not government’s place!

Rent control is supremely unfair to the landlord who then can’t make his own payments on the property being rented.

You’ve seen the commercials by now where an assortment of people is claiming, “The rent is too damn high.”

Well, the rents are “too damned high” because officials have caused the problem. We have a housing shortage for many reasons, chief among them that the state of California makes it impossible to build homes cheaply and quickly. Our fees are exorbitantly too high. Also, the government shutdown of life during the pandemic, unnecessarily caused supply-chain issues that we still see today. Inflation under Biden also has caused housing construction costs to double!

Instead of voting for another insane proposition this November, do yourself a favor and quit voting for the party that has caused California to become this land of disillusionment.

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Puzzled as to why the White House makes vertures to such an infinitesimally small segment of the U.S. population at the risk of upsetting the majority? So am I.

The so-called Transgender Day of Visibility has been taking place since 2009. It’s always set for March 31 but this year Easter fell on March 31. So in issuing a proclamation to appease the gender-confused segment of society which eclipsed the Easter holiday recognized by millions, Biden called attention to his radical social agenda. Biden also asserted in his proclamation that transgender people are part of the “fabric” of the U.S. and criticized lawmakers who have tried to “target transgender youth.”

But get this – even trans athlete Bruce / Caitlyn Jenner denounced the proclamation, saying: “I am absolutely disgusted that Joe Biden has declared the most holy of Holy days – a self-proclaimed devout Catholic – as Transgender Day of Visibility. The only thing you should be declaring on this day is ‘HE is Risen’.”

It’s a given that most Christians believe in being kind to all persons while not playing into the delusions of some who think they are born into the wrong gender. But it’s apparent that Catholic Biden has sold his soul to political expediency. The man has flip-flopped so much in his extensive political career that the freshman senator Joe Biden of 1973 would not recognize the speech coming from the aged President Biden of 2024. It’s sad to watch such a sell-out to the Left.

* * * * *

Study the headlines, folks, in case you need some education in a biased media.

Newsweek is just another example of completely biased media. On Monday the headline was: “Donald Trump’s Easter Truth Social Meltdown Raises Alarms.”

Such a dishonest headline at best. The article by Kate Plummer cherry-picked the comments of Trump critics who reacted to a message he posted on Easter. She then offered up the Trump post that, to her, was indicative of a meltdown: “HAPPY EASTER TO ALL, INCLUDING CROOKED AND CORRUPT PROSECUTORS AND JUDGES THAT ARE DOING EVERYTHING POSSIBLE TO INTERFERE WITH THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2024, AND PUT ME IN PRISON, INCLUDING THOSE MANY PEOPLE THAT I COMPLETELY & TOTALLY DESPISE BECAUSE THEY WANT TO DESTROY AMERICA, A NOW FAILING NATION.”

Trump is merely pointing out truth that there is a concerted effort to destroy him as a candidate and it should anger us all. 

Who was it she quoted who had raised alarms? This is laughable: NBC’s Mike Sington who already suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome and who caught hell from the likes of Chelsea Clinton when he suggested Baron Trump, the president’s son who just turned 18, is now “fair game.”

After quoting three more Trump haters, Plummer grudgingly acknowledged: “However Trump also received positive feedback from some of his supporters on Truth Social, with one sharing a graphic that said ‘I’m praying for you President Trump’ and another commenting: ‘If he doesn’t get elected, America is finished.’”

The Left has lost its collective mind.

This column is the opinion of Jeff Benziger, and does not necessarily represent the opinion of The Ceres Courier or 209 Multimedia Corporation.  How do you feel about this? Let Jeff know at