We have learned a lot about COVID over the past two years. We learned that the Chinese government created COVID and the variants on purpose that has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans and now they are profiting from COVID. The Biden administration has allocated 73 billion for COVID testing and those tests are made in China.
The profitability of China spreading COVID is exposed by Rosemary Gibson, an author of “China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America’s Dependence on China for Medicine,” stated America is dependent on Chinese production of pharmaceutical, including 97 percent of all antibiotics and 80 percent of active ingredients needed for domestic drug production. She adds, “Our medicines can be weaponized,” pointing out “85 percent of the American strategic national stockpile of medicines and medical supplies depend on China.”
Dr. Fauci funded the Wuhan Laboratory where COVID was created through his agency, the National Institute of Health (NIH). Fauci has a $10 million investment portfolio including Chinese companies. He is profiting from the death and sickness of Americans after funding the same Chinese laboratory that created COVID.
Biden, Fauci and the Democrats have pushed mandatory vaccines while scientific studies have now shown were useless and ineffective. Yet, many who took the ineffective vaccines and boosters died. Originally, we were promised by both Biden and Fauci there wouldn’t be any mandatory vaccine. Biden said in December 2020, “No, I don’t think they should be mandatory. I wouldn’t demand it to be mandatory.” Fauci said in August 2020, “You don’t want to mandate and try to force anyone to take a vaccine. We’ve never done that …. It would be unenforceable and not appropriate.”
Not only did Biden, Fauci, and the Democrats force mandates, many hospitals are now short staffed since unvaccinated nurses were fired, which has caused more Americans to die.
Biden then suggested that “race and ethnicity” should be key factors in deciding who gets COVID medicines first. This type of rhetoric may have caused the Make-A-Wish Foundation to deny a wish to a 4 year old cancer patient or deny a veteran and 31 year old father of two a transplant due to his unvaccinated status.
Liberal news and social media ignored studies of the ineffectiveness of COVID lockdowns and blocked doctor’s opinions with counter information while attempting to swing the population with propaganda to encourage people to take the vaccines and mask children, which may explain why Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor incorrect information of hospitalized children, which her numbers were off by 96.5 percent. People believe the propaganda like the woman who locked her child in the trunk of her car because he had COVID, the three-year-old denied to attend a Sharks hockey game, or the many who have been arrested at restaurants for eating without a vaccination card.
All the while, the same politicians who enacted mandates were caught numerous times without their masks including recently Biden at a D.C. diner, Gov. Gavin Newsom at the NFC Championship Game in the Los Angeles Stadium with thousands not masked. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez partied in Florida without a mask and tested positive for COVID despite being vaccinated and boosted. These are just some of the many Democrat hypocrites forcing masks and a vaccine mandate that most now agree don’t work.
American are forced to give up their rights over the lunacy of laws like the 13 year old fully vaccinated student who tested positive for COVID. So how did the school respond? The unvaccinated students were told they couldn’t attend school while the other vaccinated students were allowed.
The only thing Biden, Fauci and the Democrats have succeeded on is conditioning many to give up their freedom and comply with whatever the government tells you to do. Meanwhile, American lives were lost, businesses were shut down, and children are still masked in Democrat run states while stadiums and bars are open for business.
There is a convoy of trucks in Canada and now going from California to DC proclaiming, “We’re done with the mandates – we’re done with the government telling us what to do.”
Frank Aquila is president of the San Joaquin Stanislaus Conservative Patriots. He may be emailed at mantecarepublicans@yahoo.com