America has been hijacked, now being flown by a bunch of dangerous people on the left. But don't be surprised when you see the frightened passengers in the back storm the cockpit and take drastic measures to take back control. I'm not talking about violence, though I'm glad Todd Beamer had the courage to do what he did on Sept. 11. Better the plane to end up in a Pennsylvania cornfield than lanced through the U.S. Capitol dome. I'm hopeful of a good old fashioned political revolution at the polls come Nov. 2.
The majority of Americans are past the boiling point. They're tired of excessive taxes, elected officials not listening (can you say health care reform?), officials thwarting the Constitution to seize personal liberties and political activities that political gamesmanship played over national sovereignty. They're tired of federal bail-outs, stimulus packages that mortgage away the future of grandchildren, and broad sweeping federal take-overs of private corporations. And they're very tired of judges who overrule the will of the people.
Consider the case of Julea Ward, a former student in Eastern Michigan University's graduate program in school counseling. As a Christian, she refused to counsel homosexual clients on personal and religious beliefs. Her belief that the gay lifestyle is morally wrong would prevent her from being able to counsel a homosexual. Last year school officials expelled Ward from the counseling program for her convictions, asserting that she violated school policy and the American Counseling Association code of ethics. Ward was told she'd be allowed to remain in the program if she went through a "remediation" program so that she could "see the error of her ways" and change her belief system about homosexuality. She sued the university but last week a liberal U.S. District Judge George Steeh ruled against her and dismissed the case.
Augusta State University student Jennifer Keeton was also mistreated in the same manner. She was studying to become a counselor in Georgia but declined to counsel gays and lesbians. Keeton said she was told to stop sharing her Christian faith in order if she wanted to graduate. Keeton was told to undergo a "re-education program" (i.e., school brainwashing effort) and attend "diversity sensitivity training" ("we will force you to see our ways.")
The two universities can feed us their line of bull that they "don't discriminate on the basis of moral, religious, political or personal beliefs" but it doesn't wash with the facts.
It's dangerous when the state tries to intimidate Christians into going along with the agenda of the left.
Anti-Christian sentiment is alive and thriving in our schools of higher learning. University is supposed to be about exploration of ideas and the open exchange of thought, but if a religious conservative comes along, a red target is placed on his or his or her back. (A U.C. Davis professor told my son a few years ago: "If you're a Christian you probably don't belong here.")
Why this open hostility toward Christianity, the faith of our Founding Fathers? Why is there more desire of the liberal ruling class to protect the faith of those who flew airplanes into our buildings in 2001 than in defending the same Christian beliefs held by George Washington? Has our political culture lost its way so far that the wholesome Boy Scouts becomes a target because of its pledge to God? Was George W. Bush vilified by the left because he routinely expressed his faith in Jesus Christ? Indeed, is that why Sarah Palin, a member of an Assembly of God church, is trashed like no other American figure?
I sense the real issue the universities had with students Ward and Keeton is they would have likely counseled their clients to get out of the homosexual lifestyle. That just isn't PC in today's world.
I imagine Jesus Christ himself would have trouble today. Imagine this: He's brought a harlet about to be stoned by men who caught her in a sexually immoral activity. He tells them: "If you're without sin, feel free to stone her." They leave and he asks where her accusers are and then reassures her that he is not holding this against her. But Jesus sends her away with: "Don't do it again."
I image a host of lawyers today would spin Jesus as an intolerant rabbi who dares to make value judgments and one in need of "re-education" to see the "error of his ways."
How do you feel? Let Jeff by e-mailing him at
The majority of Americans are past the boiling point. They're tired of excessive taxes, elected officials not listening (can you say health care reform?), officials thwarting the Constitution to seize personal liberties and political activities that political gamesmanship played over national sovereignty. They're tired of federal bail-outs, stimulus packages that mortgage away the future of grandchildren, and broad sweeping federal take-overs of private corporations. And they're very tired of judges who overrule the will of the people.
Consider the case of Julea Ward, a former student in Eastern Michigan University's graduate program in school counseling. As a Christian, she refused to counsel homosexual clients on personal and religious beliefs. Her belief that the gay lifestyle is morally wrong would prevent her from being able to counsel a homosexual. Last year school officials expelled Ward from the counseling program for her convictions, asserting that she violated school policy and the American Counseling Association code of ethics. Ward was told she'd be allowed to remain in the program if she went through a "remediation" program so that she could "see the error of her ways" and change her belief system about homosexuality. She sued the university but last week a liberal U.S. District Judge George Steeh ruled against her and dismissed the case.
Augusta State University student Jennifer Keeton was also mistreated in the same manner. She was studying to become a counselor in Georgia but declined to counsel gays and lesbians. Keeton said she was told to stop sharing her Christian faith in order if she wanted to graduate. Keeton was told to undergo a "re-education program" (i.e., school brainwashing effort) and attend "diversity sensitivity training" ("we will force you to see our ways.")
The two universities can feed us their line of bull that they "don't discriminate on the basis of moral, religious, political or personal beliefs" but it doesn't wash with the facts.
It's dangerous when the state tries to intimidate Christians into going along with the agenda of the left.
Anti-Christian sentiment is alive and thriving in our schools of higher learning. University is supposed to be about exploration of ideas and the open exchange of thought, but if a religious conservative comes along, a red target is placed on his or his or her back. (A U.C. Davis professor told my son a few years ago: "If you're a Christian you probably don't belong here.")
Why this open hostility toward Christianity, the faith of our Founding Fathers? Why is there more desire of the liberal ruling class to protect the faith of those who flew airplanes into our buildings in 2001 than in defending the same Christian beliefs held by George Washington? Has our political culture lost its way so far that the wholesome Boy Scouts becomes a target because of its pledge to God? Was George W. Bush vilified by the left because he routinely expressed his faith in Jesus Christ? Indeed, is that why Sarah Palin, a member of an Assembly of God church, is trashed like no other American figure?
I sense the real issue the universities had with students Ward and Keeton is they would have likely counseled their clients to get out of the homosexual lifestyle. That just isn't PC in today's world.
I imagine Jesus Christ himself would have trouble today. Imagine this: He's brought a harlet about to be stoned by men who caught her in a sexually immoral activity. He tells them: "If you're without sin, feel free to stone her." They leave and he asks where her accusers are and then reassures her that he is not holding this against her. But Jesus sends her away with: "Don't do it again."
I image a host of lawyers today would spin Jesus as an intolerant rabbi who dares to make value judgments and one in need of "re-education" to see the "error of his ways."
How do you feel? Let Jeff by e-mailing him at