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Lives of leukemia patients saved by stem cell donors

Editor, Ceres Courier,

I am a fit 77-year-old retired teacher and grandmother of five young kids. I was diagnosed with leukemia in May 2022. I was about to head out on a 100-mile walk across Scotland, but my doctor didn’t like the way I looked, and we soon discovered that I had leukemia. It is now 15 months since my stem cell transplant at UC San Francisco. My donor is a young German woman who I hope to meet one day. She wrote me, “I’d do it again. People need to help each other.”

Please go to the “Be the Match” website and sign up for a simple test kit. It’s a cheek swab you mail in; then you’re entered in the registry. If a match is found, you may choose to be the donor, but registering does not commit you to being a donor. People between 18 and 40 may sign up. You may ask to be removed from the registry at any time. At 61, you are automatically removed.

We are all connected. Here’s a simple act of generosity that contributes to good in our world. I thank you. I’m sure all recipients thank you.

Jane Corey

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