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More storage needed to counter drought

Editor, Ceres Courier,

Anthony Cannella and Adam Gray have remained steady in their valiant legislative efforts to bring the water bond of Proposition 1 before voters for consideration.
If the bond fails, serious consequences will follow. The cost of wastewater treatment would be staggering, especially for economically distressed cities. Flood control would not be expanded in areas where it is directly needed. Without adequate funding, Delta levies that are in disrepair would continue to erode.

More water storage is required if we are to counter the effects of the current drought, and advance the battle to provide a better defense against droughts that may lie ahead.

I'm going with Gray and Cannella in favor of the incalculable good that can be accomplished through the water bond measure.

The two statesmen have also fought in favor of Prop 2; legislation dealing with the ongoing budget crisis. The general fund would contain a pivotal balancing feature that serves to build up an emergency reserve during a strong economy, and control debt during lean times. It makes plenty of sense to plan for the future with a budget savvy rainy day reserve.

Rich Ford,
Former Mayor of Gustine