Editor, Ceres Courier,
There is a simple question the public should be demanding that Vice President Kamala Harris answer, but no one seems to be bringing it up. Ms. Harris was either deeply involved in President Biden’s disastrous policies or she was completely disconnected and had nothing to do with them. Which was it? Unfortunately, no answer she could give would be reassuring.
If Ms. Harris was part of the process these past few years, her campaign seems to be saying she will reverse the damage she helped create. If she had no role in it all, what was she doing for 43 months? She drew a taxpayer-funded salary that entire time. I’d like someone to ask her how having done nothing for an entire term qualify her for the office of president.
This simple question is a political version of the Chinese finger puzzle. If Ms. Harris claims experience, she must also own the failures. If she denies involvement, she still has to demonstrate some qualification — but that utter lack was embarrassingly clear when the Democratic Party rejected her in the 2020 primary season.
James Barends
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