Editor, Ceres Courier,
Measure S presently supports approximately 90 percent of the funding for the Stanislaus Library system, the main library in Modesto and 12 regional branches. The average resident pays approximately $18 a year to support the library. Local, county and state funding contribute about 10 percent of the county library funding.
If Measure S is not passed this is what our county will lose in services to its citizens:
• Story time for our preschoolers; their first experiences with literacy and books.
• Schools would not be able to visit and check out books.
• There will be no public access to the Internet or WIFI.
• No teen services would be available.
• No reference or resume help.
• No new books, e-books or books on CD would be purchased or circulated.
• There would not be an adult literacy tutoring program.
• Outreach to shut-ins and seniors would not be provided.
• Inter-library loans would not be available.
This is a partial list of the help and services that would be lost.
Possibly the most important reason to vote Yes on S is to keep alive the breadth of knowledge that is available to us all.
Joan Ahlstrand,
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