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Why is effort a head scratcher?

Editor, Ceres Courier,

Since when is effort a “head scratcher”?

I had the pleasure recently of meeting Supervisor Channce Condit while he was walking door to door in my neighborhood here in Ceres. It was a pleasant surprise and honestly the first time I have had someone campaigning for office knock on my door. 

He answered several of my questions, one being who he was running against? To my surprise he replied that he was running unopposed, but explained that he felt it was only right to still put in the effort of meeting with the voters and discussing the issues that are important. Reading that you find effort “unnecessary” and a “head scratcher” honestly has the same effect on me, and further makes me wonder about you. 

Samantha Motley,


(Editor’s note: The column of Feb. 14 did not call into question a candidate walking precinct walks. The issue of Condit campaign signs – brought up by Ceres resident Gene Yeakley –  was noteworthy since Condit is unopposed on the ballot.)

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