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Homeless but not addicted

Editor, Ceres Courier,

I know it does no good as politicos – and even you – don’t want to admit that seniors and working people are on the street as they’ve been priced out of housing. Wait lists are five to seven years. What are these people supposed to do? They are NOT ADDICTS nor mentally ill. They just no longer can afford the increasing rents.

California has become Hellafornia. If all of us seniors and non transferable working people could afford to leave we would.

I’m just tired of your articles stating all homeless are addicts or mentally ill when more and more are just people that have no where else to go as the rents are too high.

Kiowa Perdue,


(Editor’s note: At no time have I said that ALL homeless persons are drug or alcohol addicted. We know there is a housing shortage because of costly and burdensome policies coming out of Sacramento. But it remains true that the vast majority of those on the street are dealing with substance abuse and mental health issues.)