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Sound Off! calls published Sept. 1, 2010
• Trash contributes to blight, yes

I agree with the caller who said people should put away their garbage cans. What are the things you see where prostitutes, heiron and crack addicts live? There is usually garbage, unkept yards and general neglect which includes the garbage cans not put away. I'm not saying that putting your cans away will eliminate these things but it is a simple thing to do and doesn't cost us anything to do it. What a great place to start.

Please take pride in where you live people. Just like Chief DeWerk said in his column on July 7 "Trash contributes to blight, crime."

• Take down yard sale signs after the sale

People, people, if you put up a sign for a garage, yard or estate sale on utility poles, please go back after the sale is over and take it down. It's against the law and it looks awful. Please keep our city clean. Thank you.

• Yogurt shop too skimpy on quantity

I'm calling to talk about our new yogurt place. I think it's awesome that we have yogurt in Ceres! I've really miss it. There's only one thing I have: They need to fill the cups up a little more. That's complaints from a lot of people I've talked to and that's going to hurt their business if they don't do something about it. I paid $3.75 and got a half a cup of yogurt, a half a scoop of nuts. That may sound petty but nowadays you should get what you pay for.

• Caller on signs needs to get a life

Here's a comment on the person who's all worked up about people leaving their garage sale signs on telephone poles after the sale. Here's another individual who needs to do something with their life. Here they are imaging that the city will make it illegal for anyone to put up a garage sale sign and thinking the city should go around and cite anyone who leaves them up. I am just speechless at the lack of aware of the decreasing availability of public services. The New Life Christian Center had a great get out and serve your community thing every year where they take teams of people to neighborhoods and clean up. This individual could get involved in a youth group and just once every three or four months perform a service for their community.

We don't need more laws, more citations.

(Editor's note: This caller does regularly pick up trash and is concerned about having to pick up signs that blow off the poles on a weekly basis. And FYI, the city of Ceres already has a sign ordinance that makes it illegal for anyone to put up a yard or garage sale sign not on his or her own premises; thus those signs taped to stop signs and staples to telephone poles are illegal.)

• Center needs to supervise children

I'm calling in regards to a function that was at Red Shield this weekend where they had a swim party with food and everything. It was very nice. The only thing was the children were unsupervised. They were running around the pool, jumping in the pool, running and jumping, diving. I fully expected someone to be hurt before I left. I did not stay for the whole time because I could not handle it any more. Someone should address this to the Red Shield and let them know that it's dangerous for children to run around the pool where cement is wet, and also to just run and jump in; they might hit someone.

• Nervous about 24-hour sale of booze

Can someone please answer this for me please? Once the final environmental impact report is completed for the proposed Walmart Supercenter and is in the hands of the Ceres Planning Commission, when will citizens be able to express their thoughts about the development permit? The conditional use permit that will allows or won't allow for 24-hour operation operation and sale of alcohol? I think it would be safer if Ceres exercises its right to deny Walmart a permit to remain open all night and deny a retail liquor license that allows for selling of alcohol all day and night. If there is no selling of beer, wine and hard liquor after 10 p.m. and before 7 a.m. then we would all sleep better.

• Upset at cat dumper and county crew

I witnessed a lady in a light tan Saturn in Beardbrook Park on Aug. 25 at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. My boyfriend was at a job interview and I had to use the restroom so I drove to the park. As I was stopping I noticed that she had opened her back door and took her cat and tossed it onto the grass. When she seen that I saw what happened, she acted like she was digging through something in the back of her seat. The cat started meowing and crying, rushed right back to the driver's side of the car and tried to get back in. She then grabbed the cat and tossed it even further onto the grass. Her license number is -------. She saw me write it down. If I didn't have four cats that I have rescued myself I would have taken him. This heartless, senseless, selfish b----! On the way back to Ceres I stopped at Cost Less. There was an officer there, an Officer Fairchild. He gave me the number, 558-PETS. He said this person should get a ticket for animal cruelty and abandonment, to call this number being that I had the plate. When I called I was told there was no laws pertaining to these type of incidences, that there was nothing I could basically do. Yet, for the past two months in the area of Fowler and Mitchell I have witnessed animal officers - whom I thought were out to educate people on licensing dogs - sit at Smyrna Park, I have seen them at Burger King, Wendy's, McDonalds. What are they really being paid to do? All four of them pile into a white van and act as if they are out on a field trip. You can see by the looks of their a---- that they don't do much walking, just talking to a speaker box at a drive-thru window yet there is no recourse for people dumping animals. It must take too much time out of their daily routine to confront someone like that. I was told that it is more of a police matter, that I would have to go to court. I think it's unfortunate.