While produce was laid out for sale on a table in Whitmore Park, Turlock resident Cristina Stone was painting the face of her daughter, Annalise and other children for $3 and $5 depending on the art. It was part of the debut of the 2017 summer Concerts in the Park series on Tuesday, June 6.
The opening night, themed "Hot Latin Night," featured Modesto band, Texas Funk.
The city-sponsored Concerts in the Park series is held Tuesday evenings, from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at Whitmore Park in downtown Ceres until July 25. There is no admission for attendance. A farmer's market will also be held during the concerts.
Last night the concert theme was "Country Living" with Greg Scudder & The Beer 30.
The concert season includes the following themes and performers:
• June 20 - Graffiti Car Fest, complete with classic car show, Fifties music will be provided by Johnny Rocket & The Thrust;
• June 27 - as "Let the Good Times Roll" theme with the Patty Castillo-Davis Band;
• July 5 - "Americana Live" theme with the Central Valley Brass Band;
• July 11 - "Baseball Bash" theme with Lavonne & The Train Wreck and Schyler Johnson;
• July 18 - "Tiki Tuesday" theme with La Lune, a local reggae music;
• July 25 - "Praise Ceres" theme with the Herb Henry Family, a Christian Southern gospel style music group.
The Ceres Chamber will once again sell its Concert Cash Passes for $20. The Concert Cash Pass offers attendees a chance to win $250 each concert night. Even if a lucky pass holder wins, their entry goes back in week after week, giving them multiple opportunities to win cash prizes. Concert Cash Passes go on sale Friday at the Chamber office, 2938-A Fourth Street in downtown Ceres.
For more information about the Summer Concert Series visit CeresChamber.com or call the Chamber office 537-2601.