Recently, the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors approved a contract with George Reed, Inc. to install a traffic signal and widen the intersection of Hatch Road and Santa Fe Avenue, which will involve a two-week street closure.
The Hatch Road and Santa Fe Avenue intersection will be closed from July 22 until Aug. 5. Construction crews will be working 24 hours a day, six days a week during this time to ensure the impact to travelers is as minimal as possible. However, it is understood that this closure will create an inconvenience.
Stanislaus County staff has coordinated with the city of Hughson, Caltrans and other entities on the following
detour plan for through traffic.
• Northbound Santa Fe Avenue: Use Whitmore Avenue to Baldwin Road (west), or Geer Road (east).
• Southbound Santa Fe Avenue: Use Yosemite Boulevard (State Route-132) to Geer Road.
• Eastbound Hatch Road: Use Baldwin Road to Whitmore Avenue.
• Westbound Hatch Road: Use Geer Road to Yosemite Avenue (north) or Whitmore Avenue (south).
Preparation work will be done July 18-21. This will necessitate a one lane closure on Santa Fe Avenue during this time.
A second phase of the signalization and widening project will commence upon Burlington Northern Santa Fe (BNSF) completing the relocation of the railroad crossing arms in the near future.
The intersection of Hatch Road and Santa Fe Avenue at morning commute or evening rush hours has become an aggravating situation for commuters. The busy intersection between Ceres and Hughson is being upgraded through a $1.45 million contract with Modesto paving company George Reed, Inc.
The project is the final of three phases of projects for Hatch Road that was identified by the county in 2004 to help alleviate traffic congestion.
"The proposed new traffic signals and additional through turn lanes will improve traffic safety and enhance the flow of traffic through the intersection of Hatch Road, Santa Fe Avenue and Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad," read a county Public Works Department staff report to the Board of Supervisors.
The project calls for widening the existing railroad track section, a new railroad signal controller, new railroad signals and relocation of the existing train communication and control system. The county will replace the four-way stop signs with traffic signals. Turn lanes, safety lighting and wider shoulders will also be installed.
Reed was the lowest bidder and given the contract by supervisors on Oct. 27, 2015. Teichert Construction was the highest at $1.75 million. The engineering department estimated that the contract would come in at $1.7 million.