As the new school year approaches, I would like to undress you all today while disgusting a serious education problem facing this nation - the inability of the younger generators to write properly.
It's a very disturbing trend, because there is a vast suppository of knowledge in the collective minds of today's youth who are desperately in need of guidance to espresso themselves better.
As one of our grating vice-presidents, Dan Quayle, once appropriatingly said, "Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things."
I could not depress it any better than that.
So why do students have difficulty writing?
Well, let me play the devil's avocado for a moment. Perhaps we could place the blame on teachers and our country's broken education cistern. But this would just be adding a salt to injury, which really stings. Our educators are amongst the finest in the world, so I don't believe we should be placing the problem at our teachers' feats.
Alternatorly, we could ask: Are students too focused on afterschool extra-vehicular activities?
Perhaps we should also condemn the affluence of the movie industry. Today's films focus on fantasy and violence, rather than educating an audience. And with prevalent themes of an erotic nature, has Hollywood been grossly negligée in this area?
While all the above may be partly to blame, the real explanation may lie closer to home.
In reality, much of the fault (and I don't think this is just a pigment of my imagination) rests with the parents - you know who you are. And if you don't, modern forensic science can help with the aid of NRA genetic testing.
The simple fact is that today's parents are often too busy to think about insuring their children's academic success. Some stressed parents even resource to drinking. I personally know several who currently attend Alcoholics Unanimous.
As a result, the children suffer: they return home to empty houses, have to blow wave their own TV dinners or eat junk food, then struggle alone to fabricate answers to difficult homework assignments. Where are the parents to warn that Cheetos never prosper!
So is it any wonder kids neglect their studies and create mischief at school, even those who come from effluent families?
Students have always had a knack for irrigating their teachers, but today's kids can be very disruptive. Just the other day, I read of a child who opened all the faucets in his school's arrest room. The water damage was so severe, they had to evaporate the school. Honesty, this nautical behavior leaves me with Butterfingers in my stomach.
Students need guidance - emotionally and academically. Teachers and parents have a responsibility to enrage a student's mind, and what better way to achieve this than developing writing skills and emphasizing the ability to repress one's self clearly.
I know teaching the rules of writing often goes down like a lead baboon, but they are essential tools for invective expression.
Let's examine some basics.
Tenses. These often cause trouble, especially if you forget them when camping. But I digress.
Punctuation: No English teacher wants to send home students with conjuctionitis or have to perform a semicolonoscopy on a term paper rife with punctuation errors.
What about grammar, I hear you ask? Well, the old battle-ax has been living with us for seven years now and refuses to croak, but I digest again.
I think you can see what I'm incinerating here. No student likes to be prepositioned by a teacher. But developing writing skills can be a huge advantage when considering future career options.
After all, what kid wouldn't like to become an extinguished American libel filmmaker like Michael Moron? Or a renounced vice-president such as Joe Bidet? Or even a visionary inventor, such as Henry Forward?
So as the summer drawers to a clothes and students return to school, I invite them, their teachers and parents, to work together to make more young Americans legitimate. Let's stamp out mixed meteors forever, and never spit another infinitive again.
(For impugning his writing skills, the author would like to acknowledge his 11th grade English teacher, Miss Marla Props, a graduate of the Norm Crosby College of Electrocution).
Nick Thomas has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers, including the Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, and Christian Science Monitor. He can be reached at
It's a very disturbing trend, because there is a vast suppository of knowledge in the collective minds of today's youth who are desperately in need of guidance to espresso themselves better.
As one of our grating vice-presidents, Dan Quayle, once appropriatingly said, "Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things."
I could not depress it any better than that.
So why do students have difficulty writing?
Well, let me play the devil's avocado for a moment. Perhaps we could place the blame on teachers and our country's broken education cistern. But this would just be adding a salt to injury, which really stings. Our educators are amongst the finest in the world, so I don't believe we should be placing the problem at our teachers' feats.
Alternatorly, we could ask: Are students too focused on afterschool extra-vehicular activities?
Perhaps we should also condemn the affluence of the movie industry. Today's films focus on fantasy and violence, rather than educating an audience. And with prevalent themes of an erotic nature, has Hollywood been grossly negligée in this area?
While all the above may be partly to blame, the real explanation may lie closer to home.
In reality, much of the fault (and I don't think this is just a pigment of my imagination) rests with the parents - you know who you are. And if you don't, modern forensic science can help with the aid of NRA genetic testing.
The simple fact is that today's parents are often too busy to think about insuring their children's academic success. Some stressed parents even resource to drinking. I personally know several who currently attend Alcoholics Unanimous.
As a result, the children suffer: they return home to empty houses, have to blow wave their own TV dinners or eat junk food, then struggle alone to fabricate answers to difficult homework assignments. Where are the parents to warn that Cheetos never prosper!
So is it any wonder kids neglect their studies and create mischief at school, even those who come from effluent families?
Students have always had a knack for irrigating their teachers, but today's kids can be very disruptive. Just the other day, I read of a child who opened all the faucets in his school's arrest room. The water damage was so severe, they had to evaporate the school. Honesty, this nautical behavior leaves me with Butterfingers in my stomach.
Students need guidance - emotionally and academically. Teachers and parents have a responsibility to enrage a student's mind, and what better way to achieve this than developing writing skills and emphasizing the ability to repress one's self clearly.
I know teaching the rules of writing often goes down like a lead baboon, but they are essential tools for invective expression.
Let's examine some basics.
Tenses. These often cause trouble, especially if you forget them when camping. But I digress.
Punctuation: No English teacher wants to send home students with conjuctionitis or have to perform a semicolonoscopy on a term paper rife with punctuation errors.
What about grammar, I hear you ask? Well, the old battle-ax has been living with us for seven years now and refuses to croak, but I digest again.
I think you can see what I'm incinerating here. No student likes to be prepositioned by a teacher. But developing writing skills can be a huge advantage when considering future career options.
After all, what kid wouldn't like to become an extinguished American libel filmmaker like Michael Moron? Or a renounced vice-president such as Joe Bidet? Or even a visionary inventor, such as Henry Forward?
So as the summer drawers to a clothes and students return to school, I invite them, their teachers and parents, to work together to make more young Americans legitimate. Let's stamp out mixed meteors forever, and never spit another infinitive again.
(For impugning his writing skills, the author would like to acknowledge his 11th grade English teacher, Miss Marla Props, a graduate of the Norm Crosby College of Electrocution).
Nick Thomas has written for more than 200 magazines and newspapers, including the Washington Post, LA Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, San Francisco Chronicle, and Christian Science Monitor. He can be reached at