Editor, Ceres Courier,
I wanted to bring it to your attention that I was misquoted in your recent fireworks article. The question I actually asked was: “Of all the administrative fines issued for fireworks, how many were for safe and sane?” By taking my statement out of context and by omitting part of it, you created a different, AKA false narrative. Is this your current standard of journalism? Disregard the whole truth and cherry pick the parts that fit your agenda?
The American Legion as represented by our official covers, attended the council meeting to secure our Post fundraiser for another year not discuss fines. The fines itself were a launching point to show that our booth is not responsible in any way for this current issue. Fines were not our reason or care for attending.
No wonder your readership has declined; the integrity of your stories and journalism doesn’t seem to exist anymore. The who, what, when, where, why and how are the only necessary parts of any story.
Shawna Moore,
American Legion Ceres Post 491
(Editor’s note: We stand by the accuracy of the story. With regard to your exchange with Mr. Westbrook, you were not misquoted.
There was no need to include the second question as it was a moot point; the issue before the council was never about fining users of safe and sane fireworks or about eliminating the safe and sane variety of fireworks. The issue was about raising the fine for those caught using illegal fireworks from $1,000 to $2,500.
Our job is covering stories in an accurate, fair and balanced way. Not all comments and quotes are used to present an overall picture, especially irrelevant ones.
We’ve never advocated banning legal fireworks sold by non-profit groups so we’re not sure what you are insinuating that “agenda” might be.)
LETTERS POLICY: Letters to the editor will be considered for publication but must be signed and include an address and phone number. Letters should be 250 words or less and be void of libel. Send to The Ceres Courier, 138 S. Center Street, Turlock CA 95380 or emailed to jeffb@cerescourier.com.