Brett Sayad had a phenomenal first season with the Modesto Junior College men's basketball team. The former Bulldog averaged 15 points and 7.2 rebounds per game on his way to earning first-team, Big 8 Conference honors.
Sayad provided assistance at the 20th Annual Ceres High Basketball Camp, June 8-12.
"I like working with the kids and helping them become better players," said Sayad, a 6-foot-6, 200-pound forward. "They listen to me and respect me. I'm doing what I can to give back."
"The boys and girls look up to him so much," added Ceres High varsity girls basketball coach/camp director Shawna Nunes.
Brett attended the Bulldog Camp as a player in grades second through 12th.
He helped lead Ceres High's varsity boys basketball program to 52 wins and two playoff berths in three seasons. The three-time, all-league honoree averaged 15.4 points and 8.1 rebounds during his prep career.
"This is what got me to where I am right now," said Sayad, who poured in 21.2 points, grabbed 9.8 rebounds and tallied 2.0 steals per game as a senior. "This is where I learned to shoot."
Fellow 2008 Ceres High graduate Kristen McClure also volunteered at the Ceres High clinic. She was sidelined for most of her freshman season at Modesto Junior College due to a serious knee injury.
"It's the best scenario," Nunes said. "The kids come back and work."
More than 80 players participated in the Bulldog Camp, including 38 in the 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. session for fourth through eighth graders, 30 in the 8-10 a.m. session for girls in high school and 20 in the 1-3 p.m. session for boys in high school.
"I like the fact that we have a lot of little kids," Nunes said. "Everything they do is cute. Plus, they're getting two hours of exercise every day."
Approximately 65 people signed up for Ceres High's clinic last summer.
Nunes attributed the increase in enrollment this year to one thing: time.
Moving the session for fourth through eighth graders to later in the day paid off.
"That's made a huge difference for the little kids," Nunes said. "They don't have to wake up as early."
Sayad provided assistance at the 20th Annual Ceres High Basketball Camp, June 8-12.
"I like working with the kids and helping them become better players," said Sayad, a 6-foot-6, 200-pound forward. "They listen to me and respect me. I'm doing what I can to give back."
"The boys and girls look up to him so much," added Ceres High varsity girls basketball coach/camp director Shawna Nunes.
Brett attended the Bulldog Camp as a player in grades second through 12th.
He helped lead Ceres High's varsity boys basketball program to 52 wins and two playoff berths in three seasons. The three-time, all-league honoree averaged 15.4 points and 8.1 rebounds during his prep career.
"This is what got me to where I am right now," said Sayad, who poured in 21.2 points, grabbed 9.8 rebounds and tallied 2.0 steals per game as a senior. "This is where I learned to shoot."
Fellow 2008 Ceres High graduate Kristen McClure also volunteered at the Ceres High clinic. She was sidelined for most of her freshman season at Modesto Junior College due to a serious knee injury.
"It's the best scenario," Nunes said. "The kids come back and work."
More than 80 players participated in the Bulldog Camp, including 38 in the 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. session for fourth through eighth graders, 30 in the 8-10 a.m. session for girls in high school and 20 in the 1-3 p.m. session for boys in high school.
"I like the fact that we have a lot of little kids," Nunes said. "Everything they do is cute. Plus, they're getting two hours of exercise every day."
Approximately 65 people signed up for Ceres High's clinic last summer.
Nunes attributed the increase in enrollment this year to one thing: time.
Moving the session for fourth through eighth graders to later in the day paid off.
"That's made a huge difference for the little kids," Nunes said. "They don't have to wake up as early."